Here is another spriting article maybe you think there is to many spriting articles... ...well I DON'T! Anyway in this article I will explain how I learned to draw FF/Zelda style chars. lets get started!

First to make all the spriting much more simple we need a spritebase. A spritebase is B/W, sexless char. *important* make shure that the char. is as neutral as possible cause it is very hard to draw a female char of a male looking char.

Here is a spritebase that could have been used for FF6

IMPORTANT! I did NOT draw that base and the coloured line to the left displays the propotions of the hair and stuff

Ok so now we have a spritebase then we just colorise it and then it's finnished! ...NO we need to redraw it so that no-one could imagine that we have used a spritebase.

...let's decide that we want to draw a viking char. then we would start drawing bigger looking arms. to make a char look much stronger we could add one pixel on top of them and make them look more square. next we can add the beard and I dont really have any tip. for making a good looking beard so I would just have to say KEEP ON TRYING! then we add the rest like a helmet.

Ok so now we have a B/W outline of our char... Lets move on to coloring. First of all you have to remember that this char. will be pretty small so you need to carefully choose wich colors to use.

Bad decition: dark blue shirt and dark blue-green pants.

Good decition: Drak green pants and red shirt.

ok so now you have a good colored char. then you should shade it. IMPORTANT! because this is a small char use shades with a very dark shade of the normal color cause else it woudn't look like you have shaded it


One last word... if this didn't turn out well just get a FF6 char. resize your char. and the FF6 char. 8x and compare them, study them hard! and you will learn how to draw one I promise I couldn't even draw a circle beforwe I tried this teqnuice... well almostX)