Transforming a sprite
Author: | NightShade
Submitted: | 19th August, 2003
Views: | 5115
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I have decided to write this article because I feel that some games are let down by sprites that are too simple. Graphics, (combined with gameplay, sound effects, and music,) play an important part in creating a good game. This article is basically about how we can improve our spriting skills, and how just even shading a sprite can add much more depth to it.
Surely just a bit of shading doesn't transform a bad sprite into a good one?
Well actually it does. Take a look at this:
It's a pretty bad sprite. No, let me rephrase that. It's a disgrace. But look what happens when we put some shading into it:
You see? The sprite looks alright now, and that was just from adding a bit of shading and altering the shape slightly. It's still not as good as it could be though.
But I can't draw like that!
You don't have to be an artist to create something like that, (although it may help.) What you do need, is to put time and effort into it. There is no point in rushing. It will only cause your game to be of poorer quality. Some people just don't seem to have standards these days. Don't put up with just being average. You have to push yourself in order to create something special. Make sure you enjoy it though, as clicking can quickly become a chore for some.
Are there right or wrong ways of creating graphics?
Well, yes and no. Everyone has their own unique style of drawing. Some of the more talented people can draw in many different styles. It does not matter what style you choose to draw in, but what does matter, is that you keep the same style throughout the whole game. A few days ago, I saw this:
Now don't quote me on this folks, but it seems that the creator has used a gradient from somewhere, and imported it into his character (take a close look at the legs and body). You should always do shading by hand, never use a graphics package to do your shading for you (unless you are shading large areas like backdrops such as hills or mountains.) The second thing that is wrong with the picture, is that everthing on the sprite is shaded, apart from the hat. As I said before, it is important that you keep the same style throughout the game. The hat should be shaded as well, otherwise it will not be as good as it could be. The sprite should really look a bit like this:
It could still be greatly improved, but at least we have shaded everthing now, and made it look a bit less 'manufactured.' I apologise for picking someone out, but I can assure you that I did this for their benefit, not to put them down.
That doesn't seem too hard, but you have to make a sprite good from the start, right?
Nope. A sprite can start off as an absolute mess. Take a look at how my Demon character started off:
Yup, that's right. I'm not joking either, that is honestly how it started. But look what happens as we add to it:
By slowly building up the character, we can turn the mess into something that's worth looking at. A character can start off as a few different coloured shapes, but with time and effort, can be turned into something that looks good. Remember that you need to critisize your own work in order to make it better. Spend time drawing your sprites well, and when you think you've finished take another look at it. Look to see how it could be improved, and I mean as detailed as 'would the head look better if it were one pixel higher.'
Remember that a good game must consist of good graphics, gameplay, and sound. They are all important in creating something worth playing. Please understand that I did not write this to show off and put people down. I wrote this so we can benefit from it, and perhaps put more time into our creations.
Thanks for your time.