Lost and Not Found. Help a old kliker in need.
Author: | Andy Hull
Submitted: | 8th July, 2002
Views: | 5077
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Hey all.. thought I'd ask the community to help...
I'm trying to track down my old klik games, and if you could help, it would rule. I will even come up with some sort of reward for people that find any of these... possibly $, so please help look!
Craig Jardine.. pay special attention, cause you are one of the few people who has builds of some of these i think...
The list... in roughly chronological order...
1) Elmo Pong -- It was pong, with Elmos head. When you hit it he giggled. Horrid game.
2) Mek-Op -- K&P game with an orange and grey robot. 2 player only deathmatch with an overhead view.
3) Mold -- my first widely played game. Guide a geletin Mold through mazes and eat all the flowers to open the exit. Someone MUST have this. The review is even on Rikus' old page still!
4) Night -- The first Castlevania clone in click. Very smooth animation, bad controls, bad level design. No sound. But the graphics were great for the time. Again, I bet someone has this somewhere.
5) Ducky Runk -- a racing game where you steered little rubber duckies around various water tracks. Caused quite a divide in the community when it was released, as some people hated it... others liked it alot.
6) Ducky Runk Turbo -- a faster version because people had complained about the first one being to slow.
7) Mold 2 -- Never released. Rikus may have had the only copy. Rikus-- have it still? LOL
StaRPG -- Any version. I remade this thing about 100 times, never finishing. IF you have ANY version at all, I'd be keen to see it. heh.
9) VRacers -- Craig.. I think you have this... let me know.
10) Aliens Stole My Teddy Bear -- actually just a movie preview type thing made in click, I'd be real interested if this turned up.. Neat cartoony art, and funny aliens Anyone remember.. It also had a red car crossing a bridge in one scene.
11) Bomber Man Engine -- Craig, again, I think you may be the only one who still has this.... It had like 4 or 5 selecatable characters, including the golden monkey from Golden Monkey Strike, A giant eye ball man, a kid in blue pajamas, and some more... I REALLY would be interested in seeing this one pop up again.
12) Twin Trap 2 demo -- you are in a tank instead of a turret. It was just a one level demo, but the wheels actually had independant suspension, and it was kina fun too.
13)Squidy Runk -- the demo of the sequal to Ducky Runk-- with Squid! Dont think this had a ton of downloads...
I *think* thats everything. Of course, if you find anything else I made, I'd be glad to have that too. Things I DO NOT need are.... Golden Monkey Strike and Astrospoon. I already have copies of them.
So the search is on!
Be the first to find any of these and get a reward...
possibly $, or soemthing else cool, like an old NES game or something.. hehe. Gold Zelda cartridge anyone?
Andy Out.
IM: astrospoon