PMA and Klik
Author: | Kisguri
Submitted: | 21st July, 2002
Views: | 5978
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I have been reading alot more of The Daily Click lately and I have noticed a few things. And thus I was moved to share these observations with you the Click Community of The Daily Click!
In recent articles and posts there has been many a negative comment. (In fact it will be interesting to see how many this one gets). It seems alot of folks are dissatisfied with the condition of this fair community. Compliants about too many profit minded individuals trying to break into the Commercial industry on the Click platform. Or remarks concerning the exodus of newbies leaving the community due to "Flaming" or "Bashing" A game or idea they shared. As well as many other negative posts.
Has any one here heard of PMA? Prehaps the secret to revitalzing the community lay not in this current debate of the state of Klik that continues. But prehaps in our (Everyone) Attitude.
In the "Real World" I have the esteemed previlege (LOL) of running a Radioshack.. And as in all sales jobs there is a focus in controling your attitude! Postive Mental Attitude or PMA was a philosphy developed by a man named W Clement Stone. Who without any college education created in the middle of the depression a Company which stands still today, Combined Insurance.
Why are you wasting my valuable time and energy of mine you may ask? Cause his success was all due to his PMA. Instead of being upset when a challange came along he would become "Inspirationally dissatisfied". The Cup was never half empty but always Half Full. And always, Always did he find a way to win. So in conclusion prehaps if we all imployed a little "PMA" imagine where we could go. Who was the man who climbed K2,I believe. And when asked why he said "Because it was there". So if your thinking of Quiting, Leaving, Complaining, or just generally don't feel postive. Attack the problem with a smile and "Find A Way to Win". I know a simple little article won't fix things. but prehaps the Idea can. "Power to the Creators"
-Kisguri of Gamesare
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