Keep it Going
Author: | GilgameshA
Submitted: | 23rd July, 2002
Views: | 4547
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Notice how everyone seems to be dumbing down a little. No I don't mean like getting stupider, I mean that people seem to be loosing hope in their projects. I have felt this many times before. I don't know very many people here, I just started, but already I have made very many enemies.
This klik atmosphere should be more friendlier, then if people start to loose hope in thier projects, they don't have some jackass telling them "aww poor baby." We should root on our fellow game makers and such. If we all continue to loose hope then this place will never continue. All the members will quit and such.
If all the members quit, who will be there to teach the surviving soals? Who will guide the uhh... new guy. Never loose you creative minds my friends! It may be usefull for alot of things. This place could be a great place to harvest your creative needs, inspire yourself or others. I have inspired a few, but still, that has nothing to do with my speach.
I don't want to sound like some comunist dumbass, but working along together isn't bad in some places. I have a job as an Armor smith, and when I first started, I found a place where the people supported everone else, answered my questions as soon as I asked them, now because of that, I have mastered the art of chainmail. That's alot like this commuity. I do admit, there are alot of people that do help alot, and thank you, and I also apologize to all that I have offended.
As I conclude, I urge the message that I have been saying through this entire speech, Keep on going, don't give up, and feel free to lend a helping hand, even if it isn't much. Thank you if you read this, I know I wouldn't. (I hate reading.)