Get A NoteBook!
Author: | Kisguri
Submitted: | 23rd July, 2002
Views: | 5639
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I have seen in various posts brief descriptions on "Get Started" or "Planning" Many of these post will refer a one point or another to keeping Notes or a Notebook. I wanted to go further into detail about doing this...
I think the key to success and longivity of a Large Project is keeping all it's information neat and relevant. My Tank Unit NovA Notebook is divided up in this manner,
Section 1
My complete background story of the NovA universe. All the events that lead up to the game as well as a sub section to jot down any ideas I come up with.
Section 2
Being that NovA is a quasi RTS this section is dedicated to Units, What they are, how the fuction and the aligment within the story. For instances a Crimson Moon Tank is a special tactical Heavy Ops tank. Heavy Armour, Slow Moving, Slow Reload, Big Gun. + there is a refrence page number to the next section.
Section 3
This section contains various information on all NPC's where they are from and there history. Here as a example contains the history of the Crimson Moon Guard and how the effect the Clients game play when encountered.
Section 4
Version Information, As I build more and more on to the engine this section keeps track of what versions do what.
Section 5
INI&Array info. I use this section as reference to what Variables are what. It keeps their labels in the arrays and INI's. As well a description as to what they do.
Section 6
General Program notes. Anything to scribbles about what I tried and what to try next to accomplish something in the game.
Section 7
Level setup is the section that contains the flow chart of levels. The play by play of how each level plays as well as it's order
Section 8
Wish list, as well s beta test notes
Section 9
A dictonary of all the terms used in the world of NovA.
I don't know if any of this will help any of the large projects going on or being planned, if you have any ideas to add please due as I can always learn from someone else
-Kisguri of Gamesare