Super Great Big Online Klik
Author: | JonWoGggggg
Submitted: | 20th August, 2002
Views: | 5298
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This is an idea, that i need all your help for. I am trying to make a program like gamespy arcade to support all the online games (at the programmers request). If you want more info, dcmail me - or if you wanna start making your game available for use on this program here's what you have to do:
at installation (or first time the game is run), you must open the file "c:\klikgam.lst" using the ini object;
set group to "your game name";
set item to "your game name";
set item value to "1";
set item to "Install";
set item value to "appdir$+appdrive$+(name of exe file)";
and create a 32x32 bitmap file of your icon - eg "c:\mygame.bmp";
So, if my game is called Mechoing
the ini file would look like
And in the "c:\" drive there would be a file called Mechoing.bmp
After that, e-mail the name of your game to me.
Lets hope this works!