Quitting the community - Just don't do it
Author: | Jack Frost
Submitted: | 6th January, 2002
Views: | 6011
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So someone's insulted you and you've had a little sulk, or you've annoyed the community and you want to make a fuss by "leaving the community".
Before you leave take a deep breath and think about these things:
1)Why I'm leaving
2)Does everybody hate me
3)Will I be back in x amount of days
all of these points go hand in hand with each other when you're thinking about leaving and you should carefully think about it.
Throughtout this article I will give examples of people leaving and coming back, people being mis-qouted of "leaving" just to make news *glares at TK* and people generally dissapearing.
So onto the first point, Why am I leaving, think long and hard about this one, you may be leaving to move onto C++ etc such as izzysoft did, I mean cello moved onto allegro, he never left the community, but there's always an exception. If this is the case then good luck to you, if you're stopping kliking to go onto better things then I salute you.
But this isn't generally why people leave, OH NO, people leave because they have decided people hate them.
"KLIK LIFE IS SO HARD!!!! EVERYBODY'S A BIG MEANIE!" well this could be true.
well there's 2 things you should ask yourself
were you insulted in #k&p? and were you insulted because you think you're the greatest.
If you were insulted in #k&p then ignore it, some people, like me, just insult everybody's work, I shout "it's SH*TE!" then I say "wait a minute, it's just loading", so it's best to just ignore everything you hear in #k&p, we're just there for a laugh.
Next question, are you an ass, if you are then you deserve insulting, an example is euphorica, or circy as he was known. You point out anything wrong with it and he's shout "NO! IT IS GREAT" and get in a huff, you get lots of enemies thinking you're the greatest when you aren't, remember that, be modest like andi!
There is another thing that could make you leave the community, I will censor the nick to preserve the good name of the person who said it.
" how do you get a 9 inch d*ck o_O
isnt that like impossible"
if you said something like that you'd be pretty embarresed! I know I would!
Time to leave the community!
onto my second point.
"does everybody hate me", if yes then you could hide, posting every so often, an example of this would be bieber, or great dave.
Onto my third point. (second point was pretty short huh?)
Will I be back in x amount of days?
If you're going to leave the community! bloody leave, don't come back a day later! kimmo is the biggest example of this! what an idiot! DOY!
So anyway, no quitting unless you really really have to, if you're going to come back then don't make a big huff about leaving. Like when I left for like 3 months, I just dissapeared into the night, never told anybody that I was leaving, WOW.
Don't take this community seriously, we're klikers, we joke about everything, most of us are under-18s, woah, we have a place to be immature!
No jumping on bandwagons, like how when circy quit, like 5 people more quit and came back the next day! if it's a joke then you come back 2 minutes later! Not the next day!
No mis-qouting either, like what happened with andi, "I'm quitting tfgf" turned into "I'm leaving the community", people will do ANYTHING for news nowadays.
I've even heard rumours that circy's coming back soon.
Stop making a big deal about leaving and coming back! You bloody attention seeker you! If you wanna leave then bloody leave! LEAVE I SAID!
/me falls down the stairs
writing this article has p*ssed me off! I'm leaving the community!
I'M BACK!!!!!!!!1111111
Shower me with welcome back presents!
Bye bye
Coming soon:
Howto post on the boards,
Howto write your very own article,
Howto get sourcecode off Nash\ ,
Howto not tell rikus that your post is pointless so he deletes it without reading *glares*.