Charging Weapon Event
Author: | Ted Boomerang
Submitted: | 26th February, 2003
Views: | 4882
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Hey, everybody! Ted Here. I actully qualify as a newbie here, but thats mostly because I haven't posted a game yet. I've been working on One HUGE game since I was in grade school and that's the only game I have been working on. I've been working on it for years without thought of just dumping it, so I can't say that I qualify as a amature when it comes to game making, just an idiot
but enough about me, what's important is the subject of the article:
This article will show you how to create a simple charging event. It is very general: it will not show you how to fire your weapon after or exactly how you use it. What the event does is increase a number when the fire button is held down and decrese when the button is realesed.
this event only needs two commands:
every 0.1 second
-subtract 1 from counter
If player presses fire 1
+every 0.1 second
-add 2 to counter
This is a very simple event, but can go in a lot of directions from here. Once you have an Idea of how long you want the item to charge, you can add other commands such as the fire mechanism:
if counter is at 20
-switch group to (realese button)
-deactivate (charge group) (if you put the commands above to decativate it when wanted)
to create a realse mechanism, use similer events as the charge group, but have it react when this groups counter reaches zero.
There are many differant directions to take once you make a charge event, try to see if you can use it in your games!
And my apologies if my article is hard to read or it is already well known information. I just thought I could help. Besides, it's my first article.
Best of luck in your games!
Ted Boomerang