Ending A Game: From Hard Drive To CD
Author: | - Yelnek -
Submitted: | 14th May, 2003
Views: | 5003
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I believe ending a game you have started is one of the most hardest things to do in creating a game! Even though I haven't finished a game I have started, I believe that useing this artical can help you... and I believe it is helping me on my newest game... So here it goes!
Ok so you've created a long game but you don't know if you should finish it off or make more levels or what! Well go back to the story you created for the baseline of your game(I hope you have a story written out!!! If not...well maybe you should read my other artical ; ) Read your story...
Does your game follow it?
If your story callas for a mountain..put a mountain in your game...lol..but don't be confined just to your story thou! If you just thought of a better idea, use that one...just make sure it all ties your game together.
Are you at the part in the game thats near the end of the story?
Lets say the ending in your story is where the hero kills the worst badguy then gets the babe!
I know I know...thats a bad example but its just an example Anyway... Make it so that all your levels lead up to the top of the mountain where the babe is beening kept and the badguy is garding it... Once the bad dude is dead then have a nice cutscene on where the hero meets, greets, loves the girl..THE END! I believe you need an ending on where there is a cutscene..I believe this allows the player to settle down and KNOW it is the end... I believe Sonic the hegehog had the best endings...Awww...they made me cry...anywho...Whoever played the X-Files on the PS1 and got to the end..MAN that was a bad ending...My bro and I went back and played it just to make sure that was the ending!!!
Does your story have an ending???
(I sure hope so...) If your story has no ending...wright one that is sutable for it...If you already have an ending make that into your ending of your game! See above!!!
Ending a game is tough but I believe if you work at it it will be awesome!
There are some examples that I will write below for some endings...
(1) End with Credits
(2) End by useing THE END...I don't recommend this one thou.
(3) End with a cutscene
(4) Use Numbers 1 and 3... I always find this way works the best.
I hope I have helped out a few people here at DC... If anyone else has somemore ways to end or suggestions please let them fly!!! I do believe this is the hardest subject to deal with so maybe when I finish my game (soon to be coming to the reviews section) I will have more to say!!!
; )