Everybody NEEDS To Read This (Behaviour on DC)
Author: | - Yelnek -
Submitted: | 24th May, 2003
Views: | 5664
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This artical is about proper behaviour on The Daily Click... I thought most people would know how to act but I am wrong for recentaly 2 big DC members got deleted from the site (I mean big as in they had alot of games/articals/previews/etc. on the DC site) I won't say thier names but these two members had problems with eachother which eventualy lead them to be deleted! M1(member 1) was mad at M2(member 2) for saying M1 had no since of humor! Now M1 was so mad he posted another post slandering M2 and then M2 did the same.. This went on for a while until M1(the member who had the preview that M1 and M2 were posting under) got soo pissed of that he posted a gay artical telling reasons why he hated M2!!! He swore in it and everything... This lead the leaders of the DC to delete them both for being stupid!
Now like I said above I will tell you how you should act and what you should do when things get ruff. Im no expert but just think as me as your counting to ten thing! When ever you get mad at somebody and are ready to go to extreme measures... come back to this post and read...Im hoping it will come you done
Don't get me wrong but I like swearing just as much as you but there are times when you should properly censor the word or don't even use it at all! These times are (or should be) when your on the DC site... Young children surf this site and I can remember a time when I wasn't allowed to come play this one online game because of small amounts of swearing on the forums... I hope that this doesn't happen to other younger children on this site because of our stupidity! ClickTeam products are meant for us to enjoy and I think that younger children should be allowed to enjoy it to and not get soiled with bad words that I sometimes see floating around this site. I don't know about you but I think young minds are awesome and that thier ideas are sweet and well thier games are cool to play (even thou thier graphics suck )
So next time you are pissed off please think back to the young kids that you may be driving away and try not to use the bad word. But if you need to use it soooo badly then why not cencor it??? Try and censor two of the letters thou because I find placing a $ sign doesn't help **it... Follow the guide lines below
~Don't use a $... It never helps
~Censor at least 2 letters with the *
~Use @!&% instead of the swear word
~Don't swear at all!!!
Ok guys articals are for things that ether help out other DC members, tutorials, or guide lines but Never and I mean NEVER use the artical place to spew out uncontroled anger toward another member!!! You will just get deleted as my sample above proves! If its worth being deleted then by all means go ahead but if you charish your account on DC then follow the below guide lines...
~Post what you have to say on the msg boards... Please if Im wrong about this one somebody tell me for Im not tooo sure if this is allowed...you may be kicked for doing this too, but Im not sure :S
~MSG the member your mad at privately... ether through the members DC e-mail or the members real e-mail...
~Try and settle your differences humanly...
~Remember that everybody has an opinion and if you don't agree with it then shut up about it! or tell your opinion also but don't tell that the other members opinion is wrong. It just causes unnessicary problems.
~Make sure what your saying is written the way you want it to be read... Most problems start out with a misunderstanding
Guys and gals... Comments under games and previews are meant to be on the game, not about how much you want to ***k everybody over with! Its very simple. Don't get me wrong... say funny stuff about the game and all but make sure you let everybody know its a joke. Try and give useful tips on how that person can improve.
Ok... This has been making me mad for a while now... I have been seening Newbies and non-Newbies who ask for advice on thier new game! After a few days nobody posts so the athor asks again...PLEASE POST ADVICE ON MY GAME... Well somebody takes the time to download it and then leaves advice for the author. The reviewer said that it needs some work on the graphics and the gameplay sucked. I have seen the authors of the game come back and say that ALL I SEE IS BAD COMMENTS ABOUT MY GAME... WERE ARE THE GOOD COMMENTS? BE NICE PEOPLE! I laugh at these type of people because the only way to make better games or to improve is to get advice, even bad advice, and normally the bad advice is the best advice to follow
I want to tell you about what I have learnt in magic that can be used in DC as well... (yes yes your right, I have written about my magic before, but I believe it truely works )
Ok, I have gone into many magic compitions in my area and I remember the very first one I performed at. I did my show and I thought it was great but the the judges came up after and told me what they didn't like and what I should change. I though SCREW them...My show was the best but then after a week or so I looked back on the advice and I followed it! When the next compition came around I used the advice, even thou i thought it was bad in my eyes, and guess what!!! I WON!!! It shows that the worst advice is sometimes the best and you should always comsider it.
All advice is helpful, from a down to earth type like,The graphics looked a little flat all the way to the most weirdest like,Your game is gay! They help... If you get more then one saying that your game is gay then it probably is and you should face the facts! But If you only get a one gay one out of allot that say it was great then you know that that one person was probably drunk when he wrote that or just screwing around. :S But ether way take in all advice, try it out and give it a chance, if it doesn't work or doesn't seem to fit in then you can always change it back!
Well thats all I got to say about this and I sure hope you found this artical useful and please consider keeping the swearing to a minimum and we may start to see younger Klikers joining in on this fun!!!