How To Create Awesome Previews That People Will Like
Author: | - Yelnek -
Submitted: | 11th June, 2003
Views: | 5415
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So far I have see so many new previews that totally suck! They are sooo bad the admins had to delete them... This doesn't help the person who put them up and it doesn't help out the members od DC. That is why I have put together this artical and I hope some of you use the info. in here when you create your preview.(I'm not a professional or anything but I have studied... yes Im That sad other articals and the comments the members of DC have been leaveing so I hope this artical will help)
Ok to start off with I believe you should have a game that is already planned out or you should have already started a game. This why you have an easy time to create a proper preview. What I mean by having the game planned out I mean that you should have rough drawings done on paper and the basic story line write or typed out. If you already have a game that you have already started then thats even BETTER
If your game is just in the planning stages I suggest you skip this part. I suggest this because this part tells you about taking screen shots of your game. I do suggest that you read this just for future use though
So you have a piece of your game created... I think that all good previews need screen shots.(and Im sure most DC members out there agree with me here) I have seen lots of excuses why they haven't placed any up ranging from because they don't know how to all the why to the GFX suck so I don't want you to see it! First of... You need a program to take the screen shots. Go to and search for HYPERSNAP in the downloads section. You can get this program for free and the only thing that really sucks about this program is that it leaves a watermark on all your pics. Save the pic. as a .JPG or a .GIF. This way the pics. are small and won't take long to load! Also, even if your GFX are bad don't worry... Screen Shots are better then no screen shots If your game is in the planning stages but you have some rough concept art, scan that in and use it as screen shots.
P.S. If you really really hate the watermark left on your screen shots by HYPERSNAP... then open up your screen shot up with paint or othe progarm and delete that part or color over it!
Now that you have the screen shots or concept art shots you need a nice written preview part. Read the backs of games you have bought and see how they make you want to buy the game... use those ways and add it to your preview. Tell abit about the game and what you have planned or even have done! Whatever you do thou DO NOT give away the ending to your game. Also try and make your written preview long. About 2 average paragraphs or 1000 words... believe me 1000 words is not that much
The Last thing you have to do is load your preview and screen shots up to DC! It is that simple... and with a little time you will have tons of people wanting to download your game when it comes out
I hope this artical has helped at least one of you out and I hope in the future we will see more and more better previews of up coming games!!! Just make sure you take the time needed and get those screen shots Thats all for now...