The Daily Click ::. Downloads ::. Shoot 'em up ::. Streambolt

Author: gustav Submitted: 24th October, 2003 Favourites:2
Genre: Shoot 'em up Downloads: 757
Game of the Week Winner

Edited By gustav on 4/28/2004

Edited By gustav on 10/24/2003

Edited By gustav on 10/24/2003

Edited By gustav on 10/24/2003

Edited By gustav on 10/24/2003

herro dairy crick.

after about two years in the making (most of wich was done during the first two months) i descided to finally finish streambolt.
its a pretty short game and the two last bosses were removed because i got tired and bored of it. its still a good game i think and my first that i am relatively proud of.

oh yeah, about the game: it is basically a fast-paced shoot-em-up with 5 diffrent weapons and a few special abilities (some of wich are essential to use to beat the game). 5 action packed worlds ranging from deserts to a gigantic space fortress. And ofcourse; TONS of bosses.

have fun~

(edit: damn that was a nasty bunch of spelling errors. also, im sorry about not posting any screenshots but the server is currently down.)
(edit2: added screenies)
(edit3: hopefully fixed the damn screenies -_-)
(edit4: FUCK!)
here are some mirrors if the download shouldnt work:

Review This Download (2.46mb )

Posted by Hayo 24th October, 2003

This is cool :) Thumbs up!
Posted by Blackgaze 24th October, 2003

this is way cool
Posted by gustav 24th October, 2003

thank you
Posted by Joeri Pisart (Bloody Jojo) 24th October, 2003

Really cool game!
Posted by ripthor 24th October, 2003

Wow! This game is pretty good! I really don't understand why it isn't front page material... I think the graphic incredible! Especially if you made them yourself! They remind me of early Snes games... As for the movement engine, I have nothing to say, really. It run smooth enough so I can just forget about it and feel like I'm playing a commercial game. But there's a few things that could improve it. First of all, make it joystick compatible!! For me, it downright kill a game when I'm stuck using the keyboard. (I grew playing Nes and Snes games, eh...) It's so easy to do! Especially since you only need 2 buttons. I think that bosses (maybe not mini-bosses) should also have an energy meter, or at least something that hint the player how much energy he has left. (start moving faster, change color, etc...) Finally, maybe a password system would be better than continues... It's just annoying to have to start everything over when you run out of them.
Posted by gustav 24th October, 2003

thank you very much, im glad you liked it. and yes, the graphics are original. i agree on you on your two suggestions. but at the time, that was nothing i prioritized. and i wont go back to change anything unless its a big bug. as for passwords/saving system was nothing i wanted to add, sorry.. it'd take that old nes-style challenge right off it ;p
Posted by renneF 24th October, 2003

this game is AWESOME!!!
Posted by aaron_brammer 24th October, 2003

didnt really win me over, too repetitive, guess i have a short attention span. bloody well made though.
Posted by ben_02 24th October, 2003

If you think it's repetitive you havn't played far enough into the game. It varies quite a bit and a hell of a lot more than (I dare say) almost every other click platformer.
Posted by Rick (AntiMatter Entertainment) 24th October, 2003

Streambolt...? FINISHED? YEEEEEEHAAAAAAAR! I will download this immediately.
Posted by Rhys D 25th October, 2003

Soooooo good! (bad Teen Girl Squad pun)
Posted by CYS 25th October, 2003

Posted by Fatace 25th October, 2003

Its alright, I guess... It can be improved...
Posted by OOOPPPs 25th October, 2003

Wow.. nice
Posted by OOOPPPs 25th October, 2003

Um.. those flying guys with big lasers in the Flying Hover board scene, if u kill them just before they unleash their lasers, the laser gets fired and stays there and hurts if u touch it.
Posted by ChrisB 25th October, 2003

I'm sorry, I'm really not sure if I was playing this game or something on Snes9x. I really like this game, even though I can't get past the flying robot with the claw and spiked ball :(
Posted by Paul_James 25th October, 2003

Posted by Gaspy Conana 25th October, 2003

Posted by Astral_86 25th October, 2003

Let's check this out... :)
Posted by David Newton (DavidN) 25th October, 2003

It _is_ on the front page!
Posted by Strife 25th October, 2003

Ahhh, another FAIND game. I'm downloading now... Hopefully, this FAIND game won't get overrated like Super Ken Senshi. ;)
Posted by Fifth 25th October, 2003

Oohh... Super Kweh! (that's good) Such great play! Such nice sprites! Such fitting music! Such wonderful effects! I just can't BELIEVE you didn't make joystick compatability, though! A game like this truly deserves it!
Posted by Strife 25th October, 2003

Very nice! It kinda reminds me of Gunstar Heroes for the Sega Genesis. Ah, the good ol' days...
Posted by haloboycs 25th October, 2003

Very cool, yes just like Gunstar Heroes, (except those double jump attack)
Posted by Astral_86 25th October, 2003

This game was GOOOOD !!!! :D:D:D I didn't really like the beginning thou 'cause there was dudes everywhere and all you had to do was running like a freak :P Well this is way better than Milber 2, Fishhead (not Lost Valley thou I think) :) congratulations on a GREAT game!! :D
Posted by Jason Orme 25th October, 2003

Wow what a great game!!
Posted by Antonio Barra 25th October, 2003

Very impressive game, and very challenging, too. I couldn't yet beat the boss with the spiked ball, but all in all it was fun. Now if I just could beat the boss...
Posted by Keatonian 25th October, 2003

So many good comments! DLing Now!
Posted by Keatonian 25th October, 2003

WOW! So SNES! Wait, am I playing the snes? No, don't think so. Wonderful! Except, 5 continues then you go to the BEGINNING?!?!?! That's really aggrivating. I found a bug. Press up and down at the same time while firing, and nothing comes out. With the flamer, it still makes the sound! Fix that and tie in a picture password system, and all will be well. With the PPS, it keeps the SNES style, and the player interested. For example: Player, Enemy, Skyboard= Sky Stage, or something like that.
Posted by Teapot 25th October, 2003

this game is sooooo good! (lol teen girl squad)
Posted by Jonny 25th October, 2003

awesome game
Posted by Silveraura 25th October, 2003

Great game! I got to the sky boss were you are shooting the red ball thing while it is shooting a red ball that splits & spins while shooting missles at me. Almost beat em :-(
Posted by ChrisB 25th October, 2003

I got to the desert and had to quit before the MSN popups of death killed me ^_^
Posted by CYS 25th October, 2003

I think that the "no saving and password" system is nice, it adds a lot to the challenge.
Posted by MidnighT_RaveN 25th October, 2003

this game is awesome! the movement engine is great! the one guy who voted thumbs down on this should have his arm broken.
Posted by Fifth 26th October, 2003

I can kinda tell that the last couple of bosses were cut out. It seems to end prematurely. And I can also tell a few parts/aspects that were (I think) inspired by Gunstar Heroes (I'm glad so many people around here know of that game), such as the current last boss, and that pink thing that shoots bubbles... Again, great game!
Posted by Mr Coffee 26th October, 2003

The current last boss is pretty dry. It would be great if the author or someone else would add a real last boss.
Posted by Toad 26th October, 2003

fun little game
Posted by Daniel[Crazy_Productions] 26th October, 2003 the screenies i it looks like it has some nice megaman feel over it:)
Posted by ChrisB 26th October, 2003

Finished it. Great game, and you can tell what inspired it :) I felt that the last boss could've had more to it, it wasn't the showstopper that you'd expect it to be. (e.g. some mega robot blows chunks out of the ship as the ceiling caves in)
Posted by NUB 26th October, 2003

I didn't enjoy this game, thats just my personal preference, but the graphics and engine are VERY impressive. This one definatly deserves a thumbs up :) V good work. Hope to see more of your games.
Posted by Hideki 26th October, 2003

damn...........dats good, the gameplay is awesome, damn i wish i could code like that, i'm a real beginner. damn very good :)
Posted by Derek T. Reaves. . . 26th October, 2003

Lmao quote "(edit4: FUCK!)".This game was pretty good.I didn't feel like finisheing it tho,but maybe some other time ill download and finish.The graphics are nice also.Did you use a nes-styled palette?
Posted by gustav 26th October, 2003

thanks a lot for your comments :)! especially those who reviewed the game, i really appreciate it. for those of you thinking the ending/current last boss is bad, dont get your hope up that i'll finish the two original last bosses. the engine would be the biggest reason for this... when i look back at how i did things i dont know what i was taking at the time but working with it now feels almost impossible. it would probably have been better if i had some more experience while starting this game out :x its not a game for everyone, it wasnt supposed to be. and yes gunstar heroes, contra and many other shooters were huge sources of inspirations. i've always adored those types of games.
Posted by wonderboy bobi 26th October, 2003

what a grreat game! it remind me megaman bomberman about its desidn.
Posted by AndyUK 26th October, 2003

its so nes it hurts thats positive by the way
Posted by Rhys D 26th October, 2003

I think you mean SNES.
Posted by xXAaronXx 26th October, 2003

The game is good but the system needs some work, enemies can gather around you and constantly hit you until the walk away, I got killed 3 times on a part I beat no problem the first time through just because the enemies were able to get around me just right and drain all my life because I couldnt move, very annoying. Alright game though for the most part.
Posted by Nickstudios 26th October, 2003

whoa this looks cool downloading now
Posted by norfair 27th October, 2003

in response to jonnys review... i dont think it took 2 years to make, gustav was mainly doing other stuff. you should see the game hes making now!
Posted by CYS 27th October, 2003

The only flaw in the game is perhaps, the character's animation... it seems like he don't move his hands.
Posted by xXAaronXx 27th October, 2003

Chicken14528 If you were replyin to me, I dont sit there just trying to run, I am trying everything to get away. That was a really stupid thing to say. I have played the game a few more times since my last post and I still stand by it, you can get caught up, also alot of times you use your shield you can still get hurt, and last thing I have to say is on the desert level (dunno if thats the only one but...) when you fly real high the camera stops following you till you drop back down.
Posted by xXAaronXx 27th October, 2003

Ahh...Forgot one thing.. on the second level after I beat the snake like guy, when the character was running to get the the final boss of the stage his movement got stuck and you couldnt do anything about it.
Posted by Rhys D 27th October, 2003

stop complaining.
Posted by gustav 27th October, 2003

it took far from 2 years. most of it was finished in 2 months. after that it was picked up now and then. aaron, i know, its got tons of bugs. to fix many of them i'd have to start the game over from scratch. i'd rather shoot myself in the knee :v
Posted by Batchman 27th October, 2003

awesome game ! but you should add a "pause" option in the game , or just keep the MMF'one , i were killed many time because of this , reducising this into the taskbar don't pause the game
Posted by Astral_86 27th October, 2003

This game will no doubt surpass both Fishhead, Gustav: 72 Hours and Milber 2!! This game is GGGRRREEEAAATTT !!! :D I've already finished the game...I'll go review it rightaway! :D
Posted by Hayo 27th October, 2003

wich fishhead do you mean exactly? I know this game surpasses fishhead 3 big time.
Posted by xXAaronXx 27th October, 2003

I can complaine all I want, the game is great, but if there are bugs I think I can mention them. I am sure gustav would like to know about any so if its not such a hassle he could fix em. If you read the readme file you'd have seen he asks you to report bugs so how bout shuttin up. STILL A GREAT GAME!!!!
Posted by Astral_86 27th October, 2003

Fishhead: Yeah I mean the 3, Fishhead 3. It's not that Fishhead 3 is a bad game...not at all. :) It is THIS game that is excellent!
Posted by Grazzum - Scorpion E 27th October, 2003

Eccentrically Awesome!
Posted by ChrisB 27th October, 2003

"the special attacks, however good they are, are not needed in the game." Actually, they help you a lot in later levels, but I bet you didn't get that far.
Posted by The Green Stranger 28th October, 2003

Lookin' Cool
Posted by ben_02 28th October, 2003

JonWog you have not played the game enough to judge it if you havn't gone past the first level. Perhaps you should play the game through a few areas before voicing your opinion. The first level IS a bit boring but I loved the rest.
Posted by Entropy Blaster 28th October, 2003

Wow, great game Gustav! :D This game has a super-fast scrolling: did you enable Direct X and Vram options?
Posted by ruffles 28th October, 2003

this game is awesome. the first level might suggest an unattractive gameplay, but you definetly can't judge it by the first level. and i find it very hard :P
Posted by Paul_James 28th October, 2003

how do u beat the penis boss?
Posted by Gaspy Conana 28th October, 2003

use the sheild to bounce back the blue things
Posted by ben_02 28th October, 2003

Perhaps you should have said: "there was everything wrong with the gameplay in the first 2 levels" and "the special attacks, however good they are, are not needed in the first 2 levels".
Posted by gustav 29th October, 2003

hahahaha, its alright ben. like i said, not a game for everybody ^^;
Posted by Strife 30th October, 2003

Oh yeeah... This game just reached the top 5! Lost Valley is better, but I REALLY want someone to kick SKS off the #1 spot! It's been there WAY too long for a shooter game...
Posted by ben_02 30th October, 2003

Lost Valley has ripped graphics and music, and without those the remaining game is pretty average. It doesn't deserve to be in the top 5.
Posted by Aurelien DAVIS 31st October, 2003

It kicks ass...
Posted by John 31st October, 2003

Looks Megaman-tastic! *Downloads*
Posted by Keatonian 1st November, 2003

I finally beat the red boss! Then I died at the desert boss, and I had no continues left. :p
Posted by Nickstudios 2nd November, 2003

i reviewed it to a good game like this deserves one
Posted by Airflow 3rd November, 2003

Down loading this game is now a life death situation. :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)
Posted by Billy 4th November, 2003

Awesome graphics! Front page arcade quality.
Posted by Krupek86 5th November, 2003

I've played Gunstar Heroes and I'll say that game and this one is the same... I loved GH but that Streambolt has platform bugs (hero can be thrown off the playfield)
Posted by CYS 6th November, 2003

So...the explosions are taken from various sources?
Posted by Strife 7th November, 2003

Yeah, I think the explosions were ripped. I myself am a great artist, but I can't draw explosions worth crap. Anywayz, I noticed something. On the title screen, the explosion sound that plays was taken from an old computer game called 'DX Ball'. Am I right or am I right? ;)
Posted by dl33t 9th November, 2003

This is the best game I've downloaded from here so far *thumbsup*
Posted by dl33t 9th November, 2003

Could you please tell me what programming language you used to make the game.
Posted by renneF 12th November, 2003

CnC he used
Posted by gustav 13th November, 2003

krupek: you need to play gunstar again. that game is probably one of the best games of all time. streambolt is just a pale attempt to recreate some of the madness from my favorite shoot em up games :p strife: no, the explosions are not ripped. if they were it would say so. dl33t: aye, cnc i used.
Posted by blueemu (Heretic Emu Studios) 15th November, 2003

waynes world time ''were not worthy were not worthy''
Posted by Strife 16th November, 2003

Gustav: I said explosion SOUND. Anywayz, I played Gunstar Heroes recently on my buddy's emulator, and now I can see where you got most of your ideas for level design. :) By the way, are you planning on making a sequel? If you are, AWESOME! It could have a 2-player mode and tons of new weapons, and maybe a deeper storyline. But that's just a random thought. ;)
Posted by Jonas (Peasants) 16th November, 2003

Ojojoj...Populärt spel det här;)
Posted by gustav 17th November, 2003

strife: oiiii.. ok. yeah the explosion sound is ripped/edited like most of the sounds. and yeah, i might actually make a sequel. if (IF) i make it, it will be VERY diffrent. probably not 2-player because of the story... but you never know :p
Posted by Strife 21st November, 2003

Argh, can't beat that giant computer boss... is that the last boss? Well, GH had a 2-player option and it was completely AWESOME. Me and my bro had hours of fun back in the day... Yes, change is good. You might want to make the sequel more 'original' instead of a GH wannabe. Something with distinction and taste! :D Oh, and a Boss' life meter would be nice too. ;) So i'm guessing you're not going to finish the last 2 bosses in Steambolt?
Posted by Forrest Thurman 28th November, 2003

THis is best game on this website. i tink
Posted by renneF 30th November, 2003

You know, not think
Posted by dl33t 1st December, 2003

thanks for the reply :) is CnC a hard language to learn compared to languages like C++ or Visual Basic?
Posted by renneF 13th December, 2003

CnC (click & create) is similar to Multimedia fusion or The Games Factory
Posted by Simen 28th December, 2003

Jodda Jonas, spelet er veldig populært! Men det første brettet er litt kjedeleg...
Posted by Lukas Hägg 20th January, 2004

This is certainly one of the absolute best games here! It gets 10 smileys out of 10 :):):):):):):):):):)
Posted by Perttu Afflecht 1st February, 2004

This game is really great. The game doesn't slow up at any point and it's not too hard. Great job.
Posted by renneF 4th February, 2004

hey gustav, any info on a sequel?
Posted by Imadjinn 14th February, 2004

One of the all time greats in my book! BTW, could you tell us what the last two bosses were going to be, because the last boss was ever so slightly dissapointing... It was a great boss, just not very last boss-y.
Posted by Dr. James MD 16th February, 2004

finally it worked! for some reason it bluescreened on me when it got to the menu. but it works fine on my laptop. quite a cool game, probably the best click platform shooter out now. seemed a little repetative though. and i think a 2 player mode would be great in a sequel ;) 7/10
Posted by EL-X-KIDD 24th February, 2004

This is damn fine although it only seems to run in 16 colour on my pc???
Posted by popcorncrabula 26th February, 2004

Has my vote. Hey Jay and EL-X. This is my first DC download. It's the reason I joined. The only thing that could be improved is joystick compatability. A game like this should not be insulted with a keyboard.
Posted by blanco 4th March, 2004

not enough bosses
Posted by Airflow 10th March, 2004

Did I mention this game kicks arse?
Posted by ben_02 23rd March, 2004

New link:
Posted by Airflow 10th April, 2004

Lol, Gustav decided to give it a story. -bit late though. :P
Posted by Flaxo 17th June, 2004

This game is awesome! But because there are no save system, the game is... euh... not good... no... frustrating... because you want to finish it and have fun, not frustration and "Oh! I stop playing with this game because it's suck!"
Posted by Airflow 21st September, 2004

It's short though. If I wanted a game that I could finish in 3 minutes, I'd get this with saving features.
Posted by Hempuli 12th October, 2005

Lost valley is good game, but this is better!! I had defeated that Light-saber-boss in the sky palace thing... But then the Credits were 0.:( Nice game anyway. :D
Posted by Mike Haggar 19th January, 2006

I've played Gunstar before and this didn't necessarily remind me heavily of that game. Anyway, I'd say you're onto something with this game. It has a great retro feel and it really plays nicely IMO. I can see kinda why you might not have so much enthusiasm for the game. I myself would say that this is perhaps a case of style over substance. I personally thought it was sweet and cna understand if you don't want to make a sequel but it's a good game anyway.





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