The Daily Click ::. Downloads ::. Adventure ::. Spuds Quest (Beta)

Spuds Quest (Beta)
Author: ChrisD Submitted: 23rd October, 2006 Favourites:2
Genre: Adventure Downloads: 930
Game of the Week Winner

Edited By ChrisD on 11/1/2012

Spud's Quest is a puzzle adventure game for Windows inspired by many of the 8bit & 16bit games I grew up with.

It started off as a homage to the once popular Dizzy series, but over time elements from other games found their way in- most notably The Legend of Zelda, Metroid and Tomb Raider.

Help bring it to completion:

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Posted by 23rd October, 2006

looks interesting... downloading
Posted by steve 23rd October, 2006

did you make all the graphics? they look very good - downloading
Posted by Ski 23rd October, 2006

Eugh why are the clouds outlined in black?
Posted by BeamSplashX 23rd October, 2006

Because practically everything else is?
Posted by steve 23rd October, 2006

Thumbs up. Seems extremely well made so far.

I just jumped into the spike pit! reminded me of Jet-Set-Willy on the spectrum when you jump into "Hades"

This must have taken alot of work to make, congratulations.

Posted by Ski 23rd October, 2006

Everything else isn't white.
Posted by Reno 23rd October, 2006

looks good
Posted by Del Duio 23rd October, 2006

You.. You! Damnit, couldn't you wait until next week to release this big-time GOTW contender? Grrr...

Looks good though, lol, downloadin'
Posted by David Newton (DavidN) 23rd October, 2006

Hmph. I'm already completely stuck, but I won't ask for help yet to make myself seem less wimpy.

Great work, Chris.
Posted by Bo Fu 24th October, 2006

I like the platform and everything, but I got really frustrated at around 8%. That, and the "hotspot" system seemed really inconsistent.
Posted by Radix 24th October, 2006

No apostrophe in the third screenshot. Thumbs down.
Posted by Jest 24th October, 2006

No apostrophe?!?!?!?! *has a heart attack*

Besides this obviously dissasturous news (OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMG) this is a great looking game. =
Posted by Aptennap 24th October, 2006

Really cool game! When i was by th ePAth of Faith i remembered the good ol' indiana jones
Posted by ChrisD 24th October, 2006

Hey guys, glad you like the game so far.

thinklikenate: No, you're not supposed to get it from underneath.

Bo Fu: Which part are you frustrated about? Someone might be able to help you out.
Posted by Jimbob 24th October, 2006

I'm at 14%. I am stuck. I can't get past the stuck drawbridge, I've used the oil (to loosen the mechanism?), the axe (to cut the rope?) and the hammer (to knock it down maybe?) but no luck. I can't awaken the tree with anything to get the cog, and I can't land on it from above.
Posted by ChrisD 24th October, 2006

Try cutting the chain with something else.
Posted by Hugo B. 24th October, 2006

Nice game. However, i do not seem to be able to get stuff lying on a shelve. The <space> key does not do anything when i'm up there. Therefore i can't get the axe in the house of the drunk guy nor the note lying in the castle room on the shelve above the door. Is this okay, or... (am i just stupid that i am stuck already at 3%?!?!)
Posted by ChrisD 24th October, 2006

You should be able to jump up and land on the shelf. Is your inventory full? You won't pickup stuff if you're already carrying three items.
Posted by Willy C 24th October, 2006

Is it possible to use the items? I tried to use the house key on a house and the axe thing from the hobo on the disscoloured cave wall. The guy just drops the item. Look great so far though! thumb up!
Posted by Hugo B. 24th October, 2006

Ah.. indeed, my inventory was full. Thanks and another compliment on the game, it's really great!
Posted by Jimbob 24th October, 2006

Note for anyone. You CAN make a jump to get the pliers...
Posted by AndyUK 24th October, 2006

Heh, i found the labrynth area. I Can't actually get the item in there though.
Posted by izac 24th October, 2006

Good game. Although it got very boring.
Posted by Nicklas_N 24th October, 2006

This game is absolutely flawless, with no doubt one of the best games ever featured at this website. Oh, and you find one of my tunes in it
Posted by X_Sheep 24th October, 2006

I'm stuck at 59% =/
Posted by ChrisOch 24th October, 2006

Very nice, Chris . Finally a full game from you!

I'm at work ATM, but managed to check it out a little bit. Sweet so far.
Posted by Fifth 24th October, 2006

I kinda wish you could carry a few more items. I mean, I know 3 is the classic number, but when I get to a point where I'm really stuck and am just trying things, it gets kind of annoying having to cart a dozen items halfway around the world it sets of three.

I think I'm at 82%. The puzzles have all made sense so far, though I would not have thought of what to do with the cow.
Posted by ChrisD 24th October, 2006

I don't think anyone who knows their fairy tales (or have played Fantasy World Dizzy) will have much of a problem with that one
Posted by X_Sheep 24th October, 2006

...Good thing I read McDavis' comment on the cow puzzle before he deleted it. Thanks
Posted by David Newton (DavidN) 24th October, 2006

71%! And still trying to work out what to do with a lump hammer, a matchstick and a raw haddock. Excellent.
Posted by ChrisD 24th October, 2006

Not every item has a use.
Posted by X_Sheep 24th October, 2006

What to do with that oyster thing?
Posted by thinlikenate 24th October, 2006

i figured not everything has a use, but i am still stuck. any hints?
Posted by alibaba 24th October, 2006

classic game
Posted by Fifth 24th October, 2006

Oi... I am so stuck, now at 83% (from finding one coin). It seems like I've tried everything... which obviously means I'm missing something big.

Incidentally, I've found a couple o' bugs (never press F5 when you're drowning), as well as a couple o' ways to make a save file impossible to beat.

And "Starfall Lake"... "Badger Mill"... those names seem a mite familiar, heh.
Posted by ChrisD 24th October, 2006


Thanks for reporting the bugs too, I can fix them for a future release.

PM me with your progress if you're stuck and I might drop you a clue or two.
Posted by Strange Culture 24th October, 2006

It’s a huge understatement to say this game was inspired by the Dizzy games in fact some of the screens seem like they have been taken straight out of Dizzy and put in here (cloud castle & The boat man) but as someone who grew up on the Dizzy games I have to say this is fantastic. The best game to appear on DC since Lyle in Cube Sector. I would love to see you make an actually Dizzy fan game.

Thumbs up and GOTW for next week 100%!

Posted by danjo 24th October, 2006

finally - a decent game hits the daily click! great job. very well made and fun to play. it would have been nice to have the % complete displayed somewhere as you go, but just a minor niggle.
Posted by ..:.Phox.:.. 24th October, 2006

looks awesome, probly download it later
Posted by thinlikenate 24th October, 2006

who voted no to this game?
Posted by David Newton (DavidN) 24th October, 2006

Strange Culture: I particularly liked the way that some of the messages displayed in the game are taken right from the Dizzy collection!

82%. Still in a perpetual state of stuck.
Posted by Jimbob 24th October, 2006

Okay now I'm on 80% and have no idea.
Posted by thinlikenate 24th October, 2006

i'm in the same boat. 82%
Posted by Nicklas_N 24th October, 2006

In there's a problem with two stuck notes (which is terribly false).

The problem is that it was composed in a tracker that stops all notes when the song repeates (Modplug Tracker does that), but the module player you use in the game continues playing the notes when the song repeats, and you get a typical "stuck note" problem.

The solution: In the first pattern, add a note-off to the first row of channel 5 and 9. Then the song will be played exactly like the author intended.
Posted by thinlikenate 24th October, 2006

i'm at 84%! but i think i found a bug in the game. when you mix the fairy dust and magic flower together and light the fire with the match, do you have to do it all at once without leaving the screen to get the potion? i did it one step at a time, and left the screen several times and i got nothing when i mixed all the ingredients together
Posted by David Newton (DavidN) 24th October, 2006

You need one more item, thinlikenate. Sadly for me I don't have the Fairy Dust or any idea where to get it.
Posted by Fifth 24th October, 2006

Ooh, me too!
I so desperately need that dust!

Lessee... do you have the rose?
Posted by thinlikenate 24th October, 2006

yeah, what do you do with the rose? i can't find a use for it
Posted by Fifth 24th October, 2006

Well, let's just say it'd make a nice gift for someone you care about...

...and Spud does, indeed, have such a someone.
Posted by thinlikenate 24th October, 2006

take your spyglass and start climbing!
Posted by Fifth 25th October, 2006

Kweh! Much obliged!

...and with that, the rest of the game falls into place.
Good times.
Posted by thinlikenate 25th October, 2006

BUG!! the coin above the woodsman's house respawns everytime you load a saved game. therefore, you can get as many coins as you want! however, this is a VERY BAD thing because the last objective in the game involves having a certain number of coins, and if you have more than that amount you can't complete the game. i had to start a new game to see the ending. (the ending was very dissapointing by the way)
Posted by Jimbob 25th October, 2006

That bug never occurred for me...
Posted by Paul_James 25th October, 2006

yea kinda stuck at 41% - i got the hen already
got the magic ring
the spade
the shears
the hammer
the flower
the apple
the boring book
the oil canister
the fishermans rod
and i am completely lost
Posted by ChrisD 25th October, 2006

Crap I thought I fixed those coin respawn bugs. haha
For those who've completed it ( sorry about the crap ending ) Im interested in knowing how many hours you played to finish it. Roughly. And be honest lol.
Posted by David Newton (DavidN) 25th October, 2006

My kingdom for a spyglass.

Davis: At best guess, about five hours yesterday. It's a real time-eater.
Posted by ChrisD 25th October, 2006

Good good. I was hoping at least three.
Posted by Steve Harris 25th October, 2006

Top game Chris. I'm very impressed.

Reminds me of the good old days playing Dizzy on my Spectrum!
Posted by David Newton (DavidN) 25th October, 2006

Finished it (thanks to a bit of a hint from X_Sheep). My life can now continue.
Posted by Hempuli 25th October, 2006

You must complete Abstractica 2 before you can continue your life!
Posted by David Newton (DavidN) 25th October, 2006

Oh, I'd forgotten about that.
Posted by X_Sheep 25th October, 2006

And finish Special Agent. And make a Crystal Caves remake next!
Posted by Paul_James 25th October, 2006

AH i finally finished i feel like a big burden has left my shoulders
it was a great game, now it will take up dust on my pc
Posted by MasterM 25th October, 2006

this game wont fucking work for me. my screen gives me an error message
"invalidate H: 29:8 K 60.0"
my screen giving me an error message? that NEVER EVER HAPPEND to me before.
I blame some extension ChrisD was using. My screen is an ImageQuest Q955. Its really the first game ever where my screen is giving me an error message and the first click game ever I can’t run. It probably doesn’t like my 1280X960 resolution.
Any help?

Posted by Steve Harris 25th October, 2006

Don't shoot me if I get this wrong as i'm doing it from memory.

1. Go to the folder where the .exe is
2. Right click on an empty space and choose New->Shortcut
3. Type the location of the location of the .exe e.g. "C:\SpudsQuest\SpudsQuest.exe"
4. Add /NOF to the end of this line before clicking OK
5. Run the game via the shortcut

This stops the game using the change resolution feature in MMF
Posted by MasterM 25th October, 2006

it sounded like a really great trick and i thought i would get that working but when i have got
it says it can't be found so i cant create that shortcut
Posted by Steve Harris 25th October, 2006

Is C:\SpudsQuest\SpudsQuest.exe the actual location of the .exe on your hard drive?
Posted by DaVince 25th October, 2006

Great game, enjoying it so far.

Ahahah! Loved the mill mix. Reminded me of both the Yoshi's Island boss theme and Zelda's mill mix.
Posted by TheoX 25th October, 2006
Rated :

Someone PLEASE help me. I am completely stuck at 24%.
1: Where do you deliver he letter to?
2: How do you get the Golden Chalice out of the room?
3: How do you awaken the tree and/or get the gear (or motor) off of the branch?
4: What do you do with a bucket full of water???
5: How do you cheer up the jester?
6: **What should I do that will allow me to go new places???**

Any hints and general tips will be helpful, thanks.
Posted by Evil-Ville 25th October, 2006

1: Someone in the town, female
2: You need to replace it with some similar object.

I don't know the answers to the other questions because I am stuck too.
Posted by David Newton (DavidN) 25th October, 2006

3. It's quite late in the game. You'll need a magic object.
4. Water helps things grow.
5. It'll be obvious once you find the right item. You've probably already seen it, but there's a stone that you need to lever out blocking the way.
6. This really depends on where you can go at the moment.
Posted by TheoX 25th October, 2006
Rated :

Thanks for the hints, you guys! I would have never thought to replace the goblet with that other item, and that lady in the town was the only person I didn't check... >_<

~~~David Newton (Wong) Said: 5. It'll be obvious once you find the right item. You've probably already seen it, but there's a stone that you need to lever out blocking the way. ~~~

Thanks, I think I know what you mean. Now to find something that will "grow in water"...

btw, the only places I have access to are the forest, castle, place w/ the wishing well, the town, and the cave (this includes the temple, of course).
Posted by David Newton (DavidN) 25th October, 2006

OK. The path to getting more locations begins with cheering up the jester. There's also a location below the mill you might not know about.
Posted by TheoX 25th October, 2006
Rated :

Umm... which building is the mill? Is it the one the scuba-diver lives in? I thought it moight be that becuase a townsperson said their dog made a "mess" near the mill, and I found you-know-what near scuba person's house.
Posted by Paul_James 25th October, 2006

the mill is all the way west past the rowboat and the archer (which u must give him a bow much later in the game)

underneath the mill is the labrynth and the item that is there is reachable - just jump around abit till u get it

Posted by ChrisD 25th October, 2006

I'm gonna update the game in a few days. It's nothing big, so don't worry if you've completed it. It'll include;

-Bug fixes
-Better ending (so keep your save file)
-Help prompts for beginners
-Other little additions.

Posted by TheoX 25th October, 2006
Rated :

How do you get west, past the rowboat? The boat has no motor (and no oars), and I can't find either of those anywhere.

My suggestion - Make the inventory hold more items!!! Like someone before me mentioned - it is no fun having to lug a dozen or so objects around the world in groups of three when you don't know what to do.
Posted by David Newton (DavidN) 25th October, 2006

I don't know, I think three is a decent number for this game...

Theo: Getting the motor is (thankfully) one of the easiest parts of the game, and involves the item in the screenshot I posted on the front page. There should be one very obvious place to use it, and it's not too far from where you find it.
Posted by TheoX 25th October, 2006
Rated :

If you mean using the key on the padlocked door in the castle, that doesn't work. I think I've tried about every closed door there is where I can reach...
Posted by TheoX 25th October, 2006
Rated :

Nevermind, I figured it out. I was trying to put the key in the door, and not give it to the guy near the door. >_< Thanks.
Posted by TheoX 25th October, 2006
Rated :

Yup. I'm stuck again.
I got the bone, then got the crowbar, and now I have no idea what to do. I tried prying open the padlock in the castle, tried rescuing the guy in prison, and tried to break the crumbling block in the dungeon (how DO you do that?), but nothing worked, and now I'm stuck again!
Oh, and how do you get across the broken bridge?
A few hints would be nice, I like hints!
Thanks for the help so far. This is a great game!
Posted by David Newton (DavidN) 25th October, 2006

Look for a different block with a gap underneath it. You're quite close.

Don't bother with the broken bridge.
Posted by TheoX 25th October, 2006
Rated :

Sorry, I'm quite stumped. I Can't find a block with a gap underneath it anywhere, not in the castle, not in the temple, not in the windmill. Is it in someone's house?
Posted by ChrisD 25th October, 2006

It's in the castle. Keep looking
Posted by TheoX 25th October, 2006
Rated :

Nevermind, my sister figured it out! I thought you meant a block that was in a wall, with a crack under it, not one of the floorboards...
Posted by TheoX 25th October, 2006
Rated :

Can you use the ID card on objects? It doesn't work on any creature or animal in all the areas I'm able to explore.
Posted by ChrisD 25th October, 2006

Think of things you'd use an ID card for in real life.
Posted by TheoX 25th October, 2006
Rated :

Hmm... maybe slip it into some kind of slot?
It must allow access to something...but what?
What about this game stumps me so easily?
Posted by Del Duio 25th October, 2006

Yeah, don't make him change the inventory size because the whole game has been designed to work perfectly with a 3 max.

McDavis, this game is really good brother. I believe next to the GBA Metroids it's the only other one that has the cliff grab, and it's pulled off perfectly too.

I did seem to have slight issues with picking up some of the items- almost as if you have to be to the pixel perfectly aligned to them- but hell if that's a reason to bitch! Thumbs up!
Posted by Paul_James 26th October, 2006

TheoX im assumming u must have used a FAKE ID CARD to buy Alcohol once in ur life

same applies in Spud's Quest
Posted by Hugo B. 26th October, 2006

Ehmm.. could somebody write a walkthrough for this? I love the game, but solving it on my own will take me ages. Time that i don't have to spend on games.. Please!!!
Posted by ChrisD 26th October, 2006

Someone here's already wrote one. He might pm you or something.
Posted by TheoX 26th October, 2006
Rated :

Whoever it is, I hope they can pm me! I don't want to ask to for help too many times here...
Oh, and Sniper, I've never done that, but I HAVE tried it in Spud's quest, and it didn't work...
Man, I really hate this fake ID!
Posted by Hugo B. 26th October, 2006

Okay, message to the one who wrote a walkthrough for this game: PLEASE PM ME!!!!
Posted by TheoX 26th October, 2006
Rated :

Pm Hugo B. and me please!!!
Posted by TheoX 26th October, 2006
Rated :

Ooh, figured out what to do with the rose, and ended up with the empty vial. I presume that's for the healing potion, which I will apparently later in the game. Am I correct?
Posted by MasterM 26th October, 2006

"Is C:\SpudsQuest\SpudsQuest.exe the actual location of the .exe on your hard drive? "
yes it is - i am actually not THAT stupid. it will find the file but if I add the /NOF AFTER the " it wont find it- so i cant play the game at all
i hate ChrisD for having fucked up the screen res. every other click game works fine
Posted by TheoX 26th October, 2006
Rated :

Have you tried changing your screen's resolution?

Oh, and can someone tell me how to use the ID card? I tried giving it to the barman, but he just said "we don't serve customers under 18"...
Posted by ChrisD 26th October, 2006

MasterM, come on msn (chrisdavistk(at)

Theo, show him the card after he's said that.
Posted by Plooscva 26th October, 2006

Im at 9% and already stuck :/ i got into the castle and got into dungeon, got the letter. dont know what to do now! please help this game is so addicting
Posted by Plooscva 26th October, 2006

and forgot - this game is so damn good! congratulations for making an awesome game!
Posted by Plooscva 26th October, 2006

I have also problem with the boat with the jacked motor as the person says :/. How do i get to work or get past it?
Posted by Plooscva 26th October, 2006

I managed to hop over to the place where the builders are - good things his legs didnt break . Got the chain cutters but what do i do with them? really need help this game isnt letting me live .
Posted by David Newton (DavidN) 26th October, 2006

MasterM... are you all right? I don't remember you being quite so insane.

Create a shortcut in the same folder, set its Target to ["C:\GFGames\Spuds Quest\SpudsQuest.exe" /nofs] (or wherever it is). I had to do this because my monitor is stupid.
Posted by Plooscva 26th October, 2006

Whoever's written the walkthrough... can they PM it to me? im really stuck :/
Posted by David Newton (DavidN) 26th October, 2006

Posted by Hempuli 26th October, 2006

hmph, who wants a pirate charm?
Posted by ChrisD 26th October, 2006

Someone whos looking for pirate treasure.
Posted by Hempuli 26th October, 2006

oh!? Somebody's looking for a pirate treasure?? Must check that out...
Posted by Hempuli 26th October, 2006

ARGH! Where do I get fairy dust? Or if i see correctly, where do I get a magical bean?
Posted by MasterM 26th October, 2006

well i didnt know i needed a SPACE there
steve harris also told me it was /NOF
anyways fixed (at least i hope so. going to play it now. wee)
Posted by Plooscva 26th October, 2006

I completed it. Used the walkthrough David Newton sent me when i was stuck. I had great fun playing the game. The game is absolutely brilliant. it reminds me of the good ol' days when i played spectrum . It took me about 4 hours.
@ Hempuli - you can trade an item for a magical bean in the town .
Posted by David Newton (DavidN) 26th October, 2006

I'm still wondering who voted thumbs down. You're clearly mad.
Posted by Evil-Ville 26th October, 2006

Care to send the walkthrough to me too David? I've been stuck on the same part for 5 hours now.
Posted by 26th October, 2006

Wong i voted thumbs down by accident Really sorry for that.
This game is excellent, still stuck at 12 percent though :/
Posted by TheoX 26th October, 2006
Rated :

What are you stuck on?
Posted by thinlikenate 26th October, 2006

i'm thinking the walkthrough should be posted as an article. tons of people will need it!
Posted by TheoX 26th October, 2006
Rated :

Yes, good idea!

Oh, and there are now two more thumbs down!!! Who put those there?
Posted by TheoX 26th October, 2006
Rated :

Hmm... am I allowed to review this game even if I am not quite finished? Or should I finish it first before I get to review it? I suppose that would help in terms of "replayability".

btw, this game has such awesome music! It's some of the best tunes I've heard in a computer game in a long time. The only other computer game I know that has better music is Within a Deep Forest.

In fact, the creator of WaDF, Nifflas, made one of the tunes in this game. Go Nifflas!
Posted by TheoX 26th October, 2006
Rated :

I finished!! Whoohoo! I loved that game. It had its hard parts but was so much fun to play!

One question: Is it ever possible for you to see "100%" in the corner of the screen?
Posted by Windybeard Games 26th October, 2006

Looks amazing, the Spriteing is Unbelievable
Posted by Fragasnap 27th October, 2006

(Thinking "Alrighty, time to out-do everyone for the longest post.")
I just beat it, and I didn't count the time, but I would guess around 4 or 5 hours, this may be my favorite game on TDC

My only gripes are the glitches, press F5 after you hit the water, exit out of the window, drop something in your inventory and pick it back up and you'll hurl through the ground until you are no more, and my Hatchet reappeared after I used it, saved, and loaded the game, which doesn't happen to everyone.

The one piece of inappropriate language, "Bring me 20 _____ and I'll make you the best d*** _____ ever!" (The _'s are just so people don't know what they are!), a lot of people here (and probably elsewhere) aren't offended by language, but I, for one, am, and most people I know are.

And of course the ending, but I know you're working on that!

Also, above I read your thinking about making a tip system, I don't think one is needed, but if you do put on in, (this is just me mind you), I would probably make it have something to do with showing that guy in the battlements (You know who I mean ) an item.

All-in-all, great game, I relish all the hours I put into playing it (and all the hours I'll get to make my friends squirm trying to figure it out )
I know I see my Game of the Week
Posted by Fragasnap 27th October, 2006

Oh, and one more thing, I hope in a future release you won't 'prize' open the vent.
Posted by ChrisD 27th October, 2006

Thanks. I'll fix up them bugs for the update.
Posted by Evil-Ville 27th October, 2006

To be honest if you are offended by the word "damn" you need to reconsider using the internet.

I just beat the game and I loved every part of it except the ending. The music is great too, especially the town/beach tune. That one is just perfect.
Posted by Fragasnap 27th October, 2006

@Evil-Ville: I can live with it, but that doesn't mean I have to like it or use it. No further comment on this please, comments should be on the game, thank you.
Posted by Hempuli 27th October, 2006

How do I open the clamsy? Or where do I get the thing whitch can open it?
Posted by TheoX 27th October, 2006
Rated :

Vague hint: Curing the sick is the first step to happiness...
Posted by Steve Harris 27th October, 2006

How do I get the key from the ogre?
Posted by TheoX 27th October, 2006
Rated :

He'll only eat you if he can see you...
Posted by Roman-the-evil 27th October, 2006

How can I wake up the tree/or somehow get the cog from it? PM please.
Posted by thinlikenate 27th October, 2006

this game is too good. hurry up with version 1.5!
Posted by TheoX 27th October, 2006
Rated :

Aw crap, I just checked your user ID to se if you had made any more games, but you hadn't... I just have to say again that this is such a great game!
Posted by Candi White 27th October, 2006

Where do you find the bone to give to the dog????
Posted by TheoX 27th October, 2006
Rated :

Under the windmill. Sniff around the ground a bit and you'll find a way down.
Posted by Candi White 28th October, 2006

I'm at 88% and can't figure out what to do next. I gave the king the chalice and the harp, now what? How do I become invisible to the ogre? How do I get past the evil chic guarding the ring? Please help!!
Posted by Plooscva 28th October, 2006

Well the evil chic if thats the one you're talking about turns people in stone by looking in the eyes. You will need something to turn her into stone . You need a special item to become invisible its a magic item . Forgot where you get though .
Posted by battlegorge 28th October, 2006

This is a great game.
I like the pixelated gfx.
How long did it take to create this game?
I am at 51% but i didnt find this letter :|
Posted by ChrisD 28th October, 2006

Its taken me about 2/3 years of on and off work.

I need ideas regarding the update. What do you think would be a good addition to increase the lastability of the game. I plan to include secret areas that you can find, and hidden collectables (like maybe 5 emeralds or something). Any ideas?
Posted by battlegorge 28th October, 2006

You could add some difficult jump 'n run rooms where
an emerald must be collected within a time limit.
Similar to the spike room in the temple.

p.s.: where can i find the letter ?
Posted by ChrisD 28th October, 2006

in the castle dungeon
Posted by battlegorge 28th October, 2006

I cant find this dungeon (the door is locked?)
Posted by ChrisD 28th October, 2006

Yeh you need to find the key
Posted by battlegorge 28th October, 2006

And i tried to get it with the magnet and the fishing rod
I think i found a bug, the prisoner does not want to give a letter in my 59% game.
I started a new game and it worked.
Posted by Hempuli 28th October, 2006

Where do i get the FAIRY DUST?!!!
Posted by TheoX 28th October, 2006
Rated :

Do you have the magic lens?
Posted by Unknown 28th October, 2006

Awesome game, McDavis.
Posted by Steve Harris 28th October, 2006

How do you become invisible for the ogre not to eat you?
Posted by Candi White 28th October, 2006

I just finished the game, thanks to David Newton (Wong). Excellent game!! I'm ready for the next one!
Posted by TheoX 28th October, 2006
Rated :

@Steve Harris - Get the magic ring from the Gorgon. Didn't somebody already ask this?
Posted by robin90 28th October, 2006

Firstly to the author of this game, thumbs up for your efforts. Smooth gameplay with good music.

Next, I am also stuck at 51%. Where is Gorgon ? Is it something to do with the temple or the mermaid ? Cos
I also cannot pass the orge too
Posted by TheoX 28th October, 2006
Rated :

The gorgon is in the temple.
Posted by robin90 28th October, 2006

Ok there are only 4 levels in the temple. Any hints to activate it cos I did try some combinations but failed.
Posted by TheoX 28th October, 2006
Rated :

All doors can be opened by pressing three switches at once, in different combinations.
Posted by robin90 29th October, 2006

Thanks for your help. I did not know about that.
Ohh , I am stuck again. What is raw huddock for and where do you get the magic lens ?

Posted by Plooscva 29th October, 2006

Raw haddock is useless in the game. Magic lens can be obtained from deep under the sea from a chest. You will need a old rusty key to open it . I cant wait for some bonuses and stuff . Other games have no chance in the gotw!
Posted by robin90 29th October, 2006

I do have the rusty key and the only place I access before is the mermaid and the oyster. I only left the last item :golden harp.
Posted by Steve Harris 29th October, 2006

Man i'm stuck.

I can't get past the gorgon and I think it's because I haven't worked out how to get the boat working
Posted by robin90 29th October, 2006

To get the boat working you will need a motor which require the house key. The key is to given to someone.

To get past the gordon, you need an item to turn her into stone instead.

I am also stuck too. Got the magic lens but cannot find the fairy dust to make the potion
Posted by TheoX 29th October, 2006
Rated :

Where do fairies live? Why in the sky, of course!
Posted by robin90 29th October, 2006

Finally, completed the game. Surprisingly, there is still a final task after you get the three items.
The ending is not crab, just a standard ending.

Posted by TheoX 29th October, 2006
Rated :

Yeah... it could have been better though... there should have been a cutscene or something.
Posted by TheoX 29th October, 2006
Rated :

AUGH! Another person voted thumbs down!
Posted by ChrisD 29th October, 2006

Give the key you find at the ferry to Murrey, then go in his house and take the motor you find there. Give that to the ferryman.
Posted by Steve Harris 30th October, 2006

Thanks Chris. Managed to get to 40% without needing to use the boat!
Posted by Iv4n 30th October, 2006

GOTW! It's really a great game!!! It seems that you've put really a lot of effort on it.

As a feedback, I can suggest you to improve a little the dialogues. They can be more informative and a bit more helpful. Also you may add a backpack as an item, so you can carry more than 3 items at a time.

Sceond day playing it and I'm only around 43%. I'm not yet completly stuck, but going east/west/south/north and again all over the time take much... time. Maybe you can implement some speed-up features, or save state options?!?

Anyway thank you for this game! It really rox!

Ps. Someone pm the complete walktrhough?
Posted by devid kesinovic 31st October, 2006

great game!!!
I'm stuck at about 75%, can somebody please pm the complete walkthrough???
Posted by LAJ 31st October, 2006

Could someone pm the walkthrough to me as well please?

This is a brilliantly pieced together and well polished game and I'm really enjoying it despite being very stuck. I was thinking that maybe save points could double as transporters to other save points that you've already visited, which would cut out a lot of travelling when you're at the classic 'try every object on everything' stage of a puzzle game that you're stuck on

This will be one of those Click classics that sets the standard for what really can be done in MMF with enough time and dedication. Nice music as well
Posted by Kirsty 31st October, 2006

I'm stuck fairly early on at 7%. I have the axe, hammer, mirror, book, magic flower. I've got the boat working.

What do i need to do at the mine? anything? I've tried using the tools at the mine and worksite with no luck.

I'm trying not to ask for a walkthrough but some hints would be great

Posted by GuusMostart 31st October, 2006

Can anyone give me a hint how to wake up the sleeping tree or how to get the cog please?
PM me if you don't want to say it here
Posted by ChrisD 31st October, 2006

Kirsty, try using the axe on the same thing the woodcutter used it on. It works at a certain place to overcome an obstacle in your path.

Guus, depends how far you are into the game. You'll need a magic item to wake him up.
Posted by Kirsty 31st October, 2006

ok I may be really dense here. The woodcutter mentioned something about the clouds but I can't climb or jump high enough anywhere to see what he's on about. I found the axe in the woodcutters house (I think) but he wasn't using it and there's nothing around his hut or in it that I can chop at (not that I can tell anyway)

I think I'm just having a blonde moment. Can you give me more advice?
Posted by ChrisD 31st October, 2006

Try using it a bit further afield. Have you opened the back door of the castle yet?
Posted by Dennis Ploeger 31st October, 2006

Hi! Niiiice game.

I'm at about 82% and I cannot open the shell.. Any hints?

Posted by Kirsty 31st October, 2006

I can't :

get past the guard who asks for an invitation.

get the cogwheel for the mill

wake the tree (although I think I know how)

get across the broken bridge

Posted by ChrisD 31st October, 2006

Dennis: You need a small object to open it. Something that a hunter might have.

Kirsty; You first priority is to get in the castle.
Tip: You can jump on certain clouds.
Posted by Dennis Ploeger 31st October, 2006

@McDavis: But what could that hunter possibly want in return? *baffled*
Posted by Kirsty 31st October, 2006

can anyone give me tips on reaching the pliers above the worksite?? I can't jump up high enough from underneath and I can't jump far enough from either ledge opposite (I can barely make the leap to the level the foreman's on) Is it a case of perseverance or is there something I'm missing??
Posted by Kirsty 31st October, 2006

Do I need to "cloud hop" to reach the pliers?

This is really frustrating
Posted by ChrisD 31st October, 2006

Dennis, maybe an item you havent seen yet.
Cure the sick boy and you'll be on the right road.

Kirsty, you can jump to the ledge with the foreman on (it's hard), and then jump left out of the screen onto a cloud yes.
Posted by Kirsty 31st October, 2006

finally made the jump to the pliers and realised my inventory was full! lol

task done though
Posted by thinlikenate 31st October, 2006

how's the new version coming?
Posted by ChrisD 31st October, 2006

Pretty good.

The bugs are fixed (those that have been reported), and I'm throwing in new areas and little side quests. The ending is nearly done too.

The ending isnt huge, but its alright. It's better than the last anyway
Posted by thinlikenate 1st November, 2006

awesome. can't wait! i don't think i've ever been this excited for the release of a kilk game.
Posted by TheoX 1st November, 2006
Rated :

Whoa!! Who changed this webpage's background? It looks... bad now.

I can't wait either!
Posted by GuusMostart 1st November, 2006

I really like this game a lot! can someone give me the walkthrough maby? thnx
Posted by Chedich 2nd November, 2006

I've been stuck for a while now and I would appriciate if someone wouldl like to PM me the walktrough. Thanks in advance.
Posted by Kirsty 2nd November, 2006

I'm invisible to the ogre but I can't reach his key.

He looks pretty hungry, Do I have to bribe him with food somehow?

I think I might have an idea what he would like to eat (besides me lol)
Posted by Kirsty 2nd November, 2006

nevermind I worked it out (all this "thinking outside the box" is really flexing my brain muscles lol)
Posted by GuusMostart 2nd November, 2006

How do you get the letter? because I can enter the dungeon, but when I try to interact with the prisonner, nothing happens.. Is this a bug? or do I have to give him something before he gives me the letter?
Posted by Kirsty 2nd November, 2006

how did you manage to reach the dungeon?? I can't get any further than finding the joke book.

A good tip if you can't pick things up to make sure your inventory isn't full (only three items can be held at a time)
Posted by ChrisD 2nd November, 2006

Guus. He should drop the letter when you talk to him. If he doesn't, it must be a bug, I'll look into it.
Posted by Plooscva 2nd November, 2006

This game is so gonna win the GOTW
Posted by Kirsty 2nd November, 2006

can anyone give me hint to get further down underneath the castle?

I've already levered my way down one level, it's a pity you can't use that object twice. I've also tried using all the tools I have with no luck, unless dynamite is needed to blast my way down???
Posted by GuusMostart 2nd November, 2006

There is an other way to get underneath the castle

@mcdavis, is was a bug, I started over and now I have the letter! If I only knew how to use the magic spyglas to find the secret door or something. I just don't know where to look...
Posted by ChrisD 2nd November, 2006

look up.
Posted by robin90 3rd November, 2006

Yes , dynamite is needed to blasted the white block and can found at the old windmill.
Posted by gsid 3rd November, 2006

Can someone please pm me the walkthrough. THis game rocks.
Posted by GuusMostart 3rd November, 2006

@mcdavis I know I have to look somewere in the sky or something, but no luck yet. Not even in the towers of the castle (I think the highest point to reach so far)
I'm very stuck
Posted by robin90 3rd November, 2006

Did you try to climb to the top of the plant and jump over the clouds with the magic spyglass ? You will find something interesting
Posted by ChrisD 3rd November, 2006

I wish whoever voted thumbs down would tell me why so I can fix whatever it is up for the update :/
Posted by GuusMostart 3rd November, 2006

@robin90, the same clouds to get to the chamber of the castle were you could find the inventation to enter the castle? or are your talking about other clouds? Is the magic lens (name in the game) the same as magic spyglass?
Posted by robin90 3rd November, 2006

Yes,the magic lens is the same as magic spyglass. Other clouds but first where are you stuck at ?
Posted by Josh Buczynski 3rd November, 2006

I'm stuck at 78%. I need to find the rose.
Posted by pulsecode. 3rd November, 2006

Better late than never!
What a game! I allways loved this style of game, and this in my opinion improves in every way!

Little things like getting stunned by falling too far or being able to grab and pull up on slightly higher platforms to the wonderful music mixing between areas really add to it! Well, for me anyway! :^D

It's like a propper updated Dizzy!! Wonders will never cease! Chris D, you are a saint (or at the very least some form of god ;^p )
Posted by robin90 3rd November, 2006

Rose is given out from the lady at the market when you gave her her husband letter. Her husband is found at the dungeon.
Posted by Josh Buczynski 3rd November, 2006

I restarted in order to get the letter. In my last game, the hatchet stayed around after being used too.

This was a fun little game!
Posted by Zethell 4th November, 2006

McDavis (ala Chris Davis)..... isnt it supposed to be AKA ?

downloading, looks great.
Posted by Zethell 4th November, 2006

Exellent game! I loved it!

One of the best i'v seen here in a long time.
Posted by thinlikenate 4th November, 2006

GO HERE: to see the entire SQ world map!
Posted by TheoX 4th November, 2006
Rated :

@Kristy - Did you see the key across the chasm at the "path of faith"?
There's a reason it's NOT called "Leap of Faith".
Posted by TheoX 4th November, 2006
Rated :

Oh, and that's a nice map thinlikenate. Did you make it?
Posted by thinlikenate 5th November, 2006

Posted by Chedich 5th November, 2006

Btw, I've managed to get 21 coins(probably because of the save&load coin respawn bug) and now i'm unable to finish the game
Posted by GuusMostart 5th November, 2006

How do I get the plant to grow? I have tried to use the water in the bucket at that spot at the farm. But nothing happens.. Do I have to plant a seed first or something like that? And were van I get that? I'm stuck on that for 4 days now. I'm at 67%
Posted by X_Sheep 5th November, 2006

Trade a cow, get a bean.
Posted by Lachie Dazdarian 6th November, 2006

Gah, I'm stuck at 81 percent! And I was doing so well. I found the golden hen and the golden chalice. But on the third night I made no progress despite trying all kind of crazy things. I have the magic flower, an empty vial and a match, but I know how to use them. I still need the fairy dust. I also have an apple, a raw haddock, a fishing rod, dog muck, a boring book, a lump hammer, a small magnet, a hen, a snorkel, magic ring, magic lens and a worn hatchet (this might be a bug). I know I need to get the pearl from the oyster and heal the boy in the town. It's obvious I need more objects. But after finally reading the comments (I can't get online often) I think I know what to do. Putting a secret door in clouds is evil! Evil!

Beside that, a brilliant homage to Dizzy series. Honestly, I was never fan of the original series. The movement of Dizzy in these games was too cumbersome and all worlds were too lethal for my taste. Not the mention the lack of a save game feature. Still, the Dizzy worlds and the main concept of the series always felt more attractive than the actual games. Spud's Quest captures so beautifully the spirit of the original series and fixes all the holes they had, introducing less lethal world and putting more emphasis on the adventure elements. And there's a save game feature. The "three objects pocket" is still there, but I respect this feature as the main rule of the series. I wasn't too annoyed with it.

I was mostly impressed with the graphics. You emulated and advanced the original style so well. There are few minor mistakes I noticed, but really not worth being specified. Perhaps only the main menu screen should have looked fancier, compared with the amount of beautiful and varied graphics inside the very game. If you don't mind me asking, what tool(s) you used to create the graphics and in what resolution you worked on them? I'm really curious. It probably won't help me, but perhaps picking the right tool is the first step.

The engine is also perfect. Spud moves so much better and controlling him is much more enjoyable than Dizzy. I did notice several bugs in the game. Like if Spud is turned into stone by Gorgon lady, he is only kicked back in the main hall and not killed completely. Some coins reappear in the game after I restore a saved game, despite the fact I collected them. Also, you can pickup the disintegrating stone again after you drop it and before it disintegrates. I can understand how this bug was hard to spot.

The puzzles and the world are very imaginatively designed.

The music is very cool. I can only complain that some tracks sounded too aggressive and not suitable for a specific location (like the town track).

One more question. What's the deal with this Fallen Angel label? I see you are not related with Joakim Sandberg in any way, and he released his Noitu Love under the same label. Is this label some sort of quality mark?

Posted by TheoX 6th November, 2006
Rated :

Yeah, I wondered about the fallen angel mark too. Is there a website for "fallen angel" games? If there is, I would love to visit...

btw, that is one hell of a long post Lachie
You can light something that may be used to cook something with the match.
Posted by ChrisD 7th November, 2006

i made the sprites in the MMF sprite editor.

And Fallen Angel is a group of developers. The site is down at the moment ( but they've made loadsa stuffs, Commando, Tango Strike, Super Kenshi whatever, etc.
Posted by vortex2 8th November, 2006

I just beat it . The game is outstanding! However you should really put more work into the ending .
Posted by phraZe 10th November, 2006

Terrific game! And outstanding graphics! How do you wake the tree btw, any hints?
Posted by TheoX 10th November, 2006
Rated :

How far are you into the game? Waking the tree is one of the last things you do.
Posted by Rhett 11th November, 2006

Would someone please send me a walkthrough? I feel a bit stupid but need some help!
Thanks in advance
Posted by The Chris Street 11th November, 2006
Posted by JMT 12th November, 2006

Excellent game, albeit with the EXTREMELY ANNOYING problem that save games do not seem to be working properly on my computer. As in, all listed at 0% and spud spawning between screens in such a manner as to cause instant death.
Posted by Lachie Dazdarian 13th November, 2006

Ok, I finished the game. The main problem was that secret door in the clouds.

Anyway, I was bored so I wrote a walkthrough. I know I'm not the first. But since I already wrote it...f*** it!


I don't accept reclamations. And I also expect to be paid for this.

Some new bugs I discovered annoyed me. Like the fact that one can't finish the game if he or she has more than 20 coins (and there is a bug that allows you to collect more than 20 coins). I was surprised with this sloppy variables management, having in mind the excellent engine. This is not rocket science. It's all in careful coding and prediction of possible bugs. Maybe this comes with experience.
Posted by X_Sheep 25th November, 2006

How's the update going?
Posted by TheoX 1st December, 2006
Rated :

Yeah, that's what I was wondering.
Guess what, I just realized that you're the same X_Sheeep from the wonderland forums.
Posted by X_Sheep 15th December, 2006

Wonderland? Don't you mean WaDF?
Posted by TheoX 21st December, 2006
Rated :

Yep. Whoops.
Man, I want that update.
Did McDavis forget about this or something?
Posted by -Liam- 2nd January, 2007

Love it.
Posted by ChrisD 19th January, 2007

The update's taking a while, but it'll be worth it
I'm adding new areas and additions to the quest as well. There will be about 30%+ more content in the release.
Posted by Ray Vaughan 25th January, 2007

How do you save the game......Rayo
Posted by Ray Vaughan 25th January, 2007

Delete dont work ??? Am I doing something wrong...such a great game
Posted by ChrisD 26th January, 2007

press SPACE when you're standing next to the SAVE CRYSTALS
Posted by Naufr4g0 26th January, 2007

Congratulation! The game reflects perfectly the old spirit of dizzy's adventures.
I play a lot the game with my little sister, who appreciated the game even more than me.
Unfortunately I wasn't be able to finish the game, because of the bug already mentioned by Lachie Dazdarian: the coins bug. I have 24 coins and the smith says me that he can't forge my sword, cause I haven't all the 20 coins. :/
In "The Woodcutters Lodge" the coin appear again after I have saved the game. This is the reason whyo I can collect more than 20 coins.
I hope you will correct soon this bug.
Posted by fucop 2nd July, 2007


I'm going to cream in this dudes hole.
Posted by DaVince 29th July, 2007

Damn, seeing damn as offensive is dumb.
Posted by TheoX 16th October, 2010
Rated :

I was looking through my favorites, and came to this page. I am amazed that this does not bear the stamp of "Daily Click HIGHLY Recommended".. but I'm sure the final product will!






Worth A Click