The Daily Click ::. Downloads ::. Miscellaneous ::. Jeff Pwns II

Jeff Pwns II
Author: Bibin Submitted: 8th November, 2008 Favourites:3
Genre: Miscellaneous Downloads: 904
166th Place     (3.7 / 5)

Edited By Bibin on 8/21/2009

update: So apparently some of you can't read. This is a remake of a game called Jeff Pwns, in which you destroy Construct icons as Jeff. That is the only reason it is like this. take some satire, and remove the tube up your ass please.
Updated for an ever-so-slightly increased difficulty curve.

Jeff Pwns II is a remake/sequel to the Tourey round 2 game Jeff Pwns. In this game you play as Jeff Vance and you must shoot the construct and gamemaker icons to save the world. You can get items too by shooting them.

WDA to move, and the mouse is to aim and fire.

Also, alt+enter for fullscreen - it's not fun without it.

Review This Download (1.54 mkb )

Posted by Codemonkey 8th November, 2008
Rated :

The link isn't working for me!!!!!
Posted by Eternal Man [EE] 8th November, 2008
Rated :

Make it work!
Posted by Bibin 8th November, 2008

Posted by Cecilectomy 8th November, 2008
Rated :

insta win!
Posted by Muz 8th November, 2008
Rated :

Woo.. 2806 points. Jeff got pwned in the end

Would be better if the difficulty curve went up a bit faster, methinks.
Posted by -Liam- 9th November, 2008

This is like a dream come true...! Downloading! Also what Windows theme are you using?
Posted by Bibin 9th November, 2008

Updated to reflect Muz's suggestion. I still have a day for the tourey, you know! Such is the merit of early submission.
Posted by Codemonkey 9th November, 2008
Rated :

I have half a mind to make a 3...
Posted by Muz 9th November, 2008
Rated :

I like it more now, not as slow. Would be cooler if you used HWA for it
Posted by Ricky 9th November, 2008
Rated :

This is really fun
Posted by Bibin 9th November, 2008

Muz, the viewport and perspective objects do not work under HWA. When they do, I'll upgrade the game.
Posted by Aptennap 9th November, 2008

IS this created with Construct?
Posted by -J- 9th November, 2008

Exactly 2500 and then I died.
Posted by 3kliksphilip 9th November, 2008
Rated :

Aptennap, it isn't made with Construct. Firstly it's criticising Construct games, and secondly there are only 32 directions.
Posted by Aptennap 9th November, 2008

I was just joking
Posted by erghhhhx 9th November, 2008
Rated :


Fun and addictive.
Posted by Marko 9th November, 2008
Rated :

Jeez that gets manic! Great effort!!
Posted by QuaziGNRLnose 9th November, 2008
Rated :

this game would have merit if it didnt look like absolute shit compared to things made on construct, nice job creating a game which reverses progress weve made and shows the ignorance of the creator

im fine with mmf and i use construct, but making a game based on bashing another persons hard work is disgusting IMO
btw you have the gamemaker icon wrong, and if u call these programs knockoffs your automatically a hippocrate because your using windows...
Comment edited by QuaziGNRLnose on 11/9/2008
Posted by Eternal Man [EE] 9th November, 2008
Rated :

This is one of those situations when up-voting is legitimate. Plus the fact that it's a great game! ;P

EDIT: If I hadn't have to waste my rating on immature behaviour I would have rated it a 3, due to the fact that I'm not very fond of this type of arcade action, I would've loved if this was an action/exploration type game though!
Comment edited by Eternal Man [EE] on 11/9/2008
Posted by Bibin 9th November, 2008

"this game would have merit if it didnt look like absolute shit compared to things made on construct, nice job creating a game which reverses progress weve made and shows the ignorance of the creator "

Take a damn joke. It's a remake of another game for a competition. Voting 0 stars is uncalled for. If you're going to directly insult me, at least learn to properly type.

I was in no way criticizing construct or game maker games; while the majority tend to be total garbage I've seen great things made with both. Learn what you are talking about before you mouth off with the grammar and sentence structure of a two year old who got near daddy's PC.

Also, is "your a hippocrate" a crate full of hippos? I think that's rather irrational a- Oh, did you mean hypocrite? But wait, that can't be what you mean, since "your" implies possession of the following entity, so you must really mean a crate full of hippos, unless you are saying that I own a hypocrite.

Comment edited by Bibin on 11/9/2008

In seriousness though, I own Macs and Windows computers - 1 Macintosh Classic, 1 PowerBook G4 aluminum 15", 1 powerbook G4 titanium, 1 PowerBOok G3 Pismo, 1 PowerBook 1400cs, and a few windows computers, mainly my desktop (built), an old dell c600, an HP pavilion piece of garbage, and a crappy dell given from a friend.

My computers are diverse enough. Apple's Mac OS directly ripped off the OS developed by Xerox anyway.
Comment edited by Bibin on 11/9/2008
Posted by Ricky 9th November, 2008
Rated :

"Also, is "your a hippocrate" a crate full of hippos? "

Bibin, you are my favorite person today.
Posted by Ski 9th November, 2008
Rated :

"this game would have merit if it didnt look like absolute shit compared to things made on construct, nice job creating a game which reverses progress weve made and shows the ignorance of the creator "

LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL!!!! This game is about 10 times better than any of the things Ive seen submitted to the scirra forums. Construct people want to be accepted on this site, yet you saying crap like that really isn't helping them!
Posted by OMC 9th November, 2008

I say "hippocrates" for fun. Apparently some people think it's spelled that way.

That comment cracked me up. I'm starting to cry...
Posted by Codemonkey 9th November, 2008
Rated :

Posted by Marko 9th November, 2008
Rated :

Who is QuaziGNRLnose? And that Crate Of Hippos fellow - not even seen him post anything before! lol

I think you did a great job with this game, it's alot of fun and looks pretty cool too. Time for a rating i think...
Posted by OMC 9th November, 2008

Posted by Matt "Dubs" 9th November, 2008
Rated :

Amazing! Yeah! Jeff PWNS!!!!!! My score was 2572!
Posted by Ski 10th November, 2008
Rated :

I really quite enjoyed this game, you always manage to please me sound wise, Bibin Also game about Jeff = 5 stars
Posted by Eternal Man [EE] 10th November, 2008
Rated :

Played this more and would like to change my abstract 3 stars to an abstract 4 stars. Really gets under your skin...

The intro text is really nice, though it would have been spot on if you instead of the "...something addictive." quoted H.A.L with "...something wonderful."!

I really like the "item", the fat pseudo 3D feel one was awesome!
Posted by Bibin 10th November, 2008

Also, thanks for the 5 stars to balance his 0 stars.
Posted by QuaziGNRLnose 10th November, 2008
Rated :

you guys, even though most of u seem to be adults, dont get
the gist of what im saying, your to busy bashing my obvious gramatical and orthographic errors, due to quick
typing, and detracting from the point i was trying to put
out, i voted the game low because of what it represents,
not because of what it is, which anyways is REALLY
undeserving of 5 stars, i mean cmon its slapped together,
but anyways, what im trying to say is, stop freaking
supporting this, you're supporting ignorance ive seen
things way better than this which you ppl gave 3 stars, and
yet to show me that im an obvious minority in my opinions
you attack what im saying, spam my download with comments
unrelated to my game, and insult me, even though im
fighting for the greater good, wtf is wrong with all of you.

i didnt call the majority of mmf games total garbage,
even though they are. youre comparing programs which have
existed totally different amounts of time, im sure none of
you were making anything great even a year after you got
KnP, TGF, mmf, mmf2. construct has existed in a somewhat
stable condition for only about 4-5 months, and your quick
to compare users expirements to games which have been in
the making for quite sometime by experienced users. so
besides going to my downloads and getting mad at me cause i
dislike what this propogates can you please hear me out
and stop being elitist assholes to people who are just
starting out in this hobby, with a program you dissaproove
of, why not be positive and not make games based upon
stupidities like this, its hardly as if you HAD to make a
shooting game about this, anything else and i would have
said it was a pretty god job, 3 1/2 stars. theres no need
for things like this and it angers people, its not a "joke"
its like saying "the cottonfields were a good thing" as a
joke, it'll tick a few people off.

i have nothing against mmf, i really dont, infact i
enjoy the SNES style games made on it, but i cant afford
the program, and well construct is free, and better if you
DONT want your game limited to 360 degrees, and look
snesish and dont like the mmf event sheet "you cant easily
view the order actions are initiated in"

both programs are good and i anyones choice, just dont
be such fanboys it gets nowhere
Comment edited by Rikus on 11/12/2008
Posted by Ricky 10th November, 2008
Rated :

This was a happy place until you brought your negativity.
I voted 5 stars because this game was very fun, no other
reason. You probably would have had fun too if you were
able to take a joke.
Comment edited by Rikus on 11/12/2008
Posted by Ski 10th November, 2008
Rated :

Someone forgot to use paragraphs
Posted by Eternal Man [EE] 10th November, 2008
Rated :

If you want people to read your comment and take note of your opinion and argument, please don't make it a solid block of text.

"theres no need for things like this and it angers people, its not a "joke" its like saying "the cottonfields were a good thing" as a joke, it'll tick a few people off."

You see, this is not in any way reminiscent of your comparison joke. Had the construct community made a game like this but exchanged the C with F2, I'm quite sure people wouldn't go there and down-rate it, maybe some jerks, but those jerks are not representative of this community.

This game is actually quite a good metaphore of the current situation in indie game develpoment. There are people out there waging something of a war of programs, and clickteam is in a sense fighting to uphold it's place as the king of gamemaking programs. It is not in any way abusive, racist or anything like that.

And if you had done your homework you would have known that most people here like the fact that clickteam is getting some hefty competition cause it urges them to further develop MMF into a better product.

I don't approve of people spamming your download, so if you're mad about that it's ok,[EDIT: After going through your downloads I can't agree on that they have been spammed at all, there were two comments there and none of them were abusive.] but you should look into yourself and realize that you are overreacting and that down-rating something like that is just an immature way of behaving, and people won't listen to your argument if you start out by behaving like a three year old.
Comment edited by Eternal Man [EE] on 11/10/2008
Posted by Cecilectomy 10th November, 2008
Rated :

@QuaziGNRLnose - step back for a moment. this isnt even his original idea. the game was made for a tournament competition, and this entry had to "outdo" the previous persons entry of the same game. "anything you can do i can do better".

its not even badmouthing construct! its a freakin satire of clickteam and rival gamemaking software!

not to mention its pretty damn fun and looks better than any constru- ...oh wait there arent any good completed construct games. win.

if you dont want to play nice dont play at all. stop complaining, its a joke.
Posted by QuaziGNRLnose 10th November, 2008
Rated :

EE i agree 100% with you, i just let anger get the best of me, but you are absolutley saying what i say - the immaturity that i inheretly have being in a community that generally is ready to smash everything i have to say. im not against programs, competition equals good for me, im against how people act immature by making games like this, that my opinion
and i dont use much punctuation because my hand is in a cast and i just dont wanna be arsed to do it, theres no point, people read it anyway. and i assure you people WOULD go and bash it if someone posted it there
Posted by Cecilectomy 10th November, 2008
Rated :

"the mmf event sheet "you cant easily view the order actions are initiated in""

its called the event list. you CAN easily view the order actions are initiated in.
Comment edited by cecil on 11/10/2008
Posted by Bibin 10th November, 2008

Quazi. Calm the fuck down. It's neither making fun of construct nor gamemaker. If anything it's making fun of the angry backlashes this community has against both of these applications.

Also, arm being in a cast is a bullshit not to hit the key right below K; if your hand can reach the L key it can reach the period.
Posted by danjo 10th November, 2008

there ya go sherlock. keeping up the good work.
Posted by Eternal Man [EE] 10th November, 2008
Rated :

So utterly immature. Why?

I feel so very sorry for the people being abused by a**es who down-rate without a proper reason.

Danjo: I can't help to wonder what on earth is going on in your mind. If you have some sort of medical condition which makes you do silly and stupid things I could understand.

But the way you're acting, having been a member of this community since the start, you're really a shame for it.

I also feel so very sorry for Rikus who has to sit idely by and watch people like you mess things up at his hard earned site.

You're just so totally lacking in even the slightest sense of respect for it. When 2 day old accounts down-rate it's one thing. But you are just a disgrace for all the good things this community and clicking stands for. You should just go away and feel awful for being stuck with yourself for the rest of your life, seriously.

Do that, or just apologize and admit that your acting was a stupid and immature thing to do.
Comment edited by Eternal Man [EE] on 11/10/2008
Posted by Ski 10th November, 2008
Rated :

It's Danjo, he likes construct.
Posted by Toasty 10th November, 2008

WTF is a construct?
Posted by Bibin 10th November, 2008

It's a free alternative to MMF2 that, like many free products, has many positive and negative differences. I'm not able to go into detail about my interest or opinion on it as my usage of it is rather sparse. To pass an opinion on it without even using it would be ridiculous.

Also, danjo and quazi, it seems clear that neither of you have downloaded the game, and rather looked at the screenshots. You will, of course, deny this, but there's not much I can do about that.
Posted by Eternal Man [EE] 10th November, 2008
Rated :

Phizzy, stop being such a jerk.
Posted by Ricky 10th November, 2008
Rated :

>_> he didn't insult construct.
Posted by Marko 10th November, 2008
Rated :

Why is everyone voting zero for this game? That is immature! EE is absolutely right, there are tons of people on this site who like the idea of Construct, either for its qualities or just because it gives MMF some needed competition. I believe in both and i'm especially a big fan of Construct-made W.I.T.E. (see Projects section)

You guys that down-score games just to get a reaction are total saddos. It's a form of attention seeking (which you are getting, to be fair), but that's the kind of thing i left behind with my nappies. Maybe it's time to step up and do the same, yes?
Posted by Dynamite 10th November, 2008
Rated :

o_______o...Nice comments

Anyways, this was an amazing game and I love the menu song X)
But Jeff got Pwned so badly at the end ;___; but it was my fault for that, sorry Jeff

This is so fun!
Posted by Phredreeke 10th November, 2008
Rated :

LOL this is cool!
Posted by Aptennap 10th November, 2008

HAHA Phizzy!
Posted by AshleysBrain 10th November, 2008
Rated :

LOL! This is hilarious!
Posted by Codemonkey 10th November, 2008
Rated :

I hope you are being serious, because this really isn't that big of a deal.
Posted by Mr_Tom 10th November, 2008
Rated :

im voting this low not cos of any message to do with construct it has but just cos its not very good and i cant believe people are voting for this for GOTW when there are REAL games in it this week... its not funny to rate joke games highly. people put a lot of effort into proper games only to have it overshadowed by a joke like this just cos it was made by someone who has been in the community for longer, or something.

I would say giving this 5 star is far more of a disgrace than giving it 0.
Posted by QuaziGNRLnose 10th November, 2008
Rated :

ok now all this downrating is getting me pissed off, i have downloaded the game, and it wasnt the greatest although it was fun, even though i was against what it was about, and i voted it 0 for the same reason as mr.tom, he made a game on an innapropriate subject and everyones supporting him.

voting 0 just like that with out even giving a point is stupid, i didnt vote in an act to be a fanboy, or as a joke, i did to express that this game was needless, and it doesn't deserve the praise its getting, i mean its not in anyway a 5 star game.

stop all this flaming, cause now ppl are dragging on what i started as means of a joke,

and id vote this 3 1/2 (a 4 if theres no hALF) if i knew how to change my vote
Comment edited by QuaziGNRLnose on 11/10/2008
Posted by Eternal Man [EE] 10th November, 2008
Rated :

What makes you think that this is a joke game?

It's a submission to a very serious competition you know. I wouldn't rate a joke game 5 stars at all, not even if it was a reeeaaaaaally good joke.

And it's very ok to vote low because you feel that the game isn't good, when it's not ok is when you vote a game 0 just for the hell of it or to piss people off.

But rest assured that this is a proper game.

EDIT: Yeah, that tends to happen, that's why I don't like down-rating at all, cause it always tend to attract jerks who ruin it for everyone. Like you said, your opinion is being made a mockery of, but ironically enough not by those opposed to your opinion like myself or the others that were here before the flaming, just by abusive jerks.
Comment edited by Eternal Man [EE] on 11/10/2008
Posted by Pixelthief 10th November, 2008
Rated :

for a joke its alright, but I feel you could have improved it alot, with at least some gameplay variance or content or something.
Posted by OMC 10th November, 2008

I shall refrain from commenting on these comments. >_O Or at least, I shall try VERY VERY VERY VERY hard. >____O

*Takes deep breaths*

Posted by Silveraura 10th November, 2008

Despite the dramatic 5's and 0's, I think the rating system is doing it's job by giving the game an appropriate 3.5.
Posted by AndyUK 10th November, 2008
Rated :

Woah i love it!
Awesome chippy music, and the effects that make it go all strange are great.
It's a bit plain looking though (bar the funky explosions) and the gameplay is a bit of a bore after a while.
Posted by Codemonkey 10th November, 2008
Rated :

I got 4426!
Posted by Ricky 10th November, 2008
Rated :

2698, i'll beat yours soon codemonkey
Posted by Marko 10th November, 2008
Rated :

You boys make me look rubbish at this, i got to about 2000ish, can't be sure coz it was crap!
Posted by Cecilectomy 10th November, 2008
Rated :

did anyone even notice ashley?

"Rated :*****

LOL! This is hilarious!"

thats being an awful good sport.

Posted by OMC 10th November, 2008

Though I'm not of this opinion, it could be seen as a sly attempt to look like a good sport.

However, I'm absolutely sure it was because Ashley is a nice and sensible person, unlike a lot of people. It is a joke, after all.

Posted by Cecilectomy 10th November, 2008
Rated :

ashley is very nice. hes tried so hard to mediate all the nonsensical hatred he can between the two warring sides. i doubt its a "sly attempt" but rather a "hey guys common. its just a game. and it shouldnt bother you. it doesnt bother me."

i just thought it shouldnt go unnoticed to the ones who are in defence of him and his work and are so intensely trying to defend against this game.

and just so everyone is clear the majority of supporters of this game ARENT supporting the idea that all non click software is rubbish. we (at least i) are supporting the awesome portrayal of jeff vance in the f2 laser suit. every company has to fight the competition. THATS ALL THIS IS!
Posted by Cecilectomy 10th November, 2008
Rated :

btw. bibin can you make an icon for the game. id like this on my desktop and its uber ugly as a red circle and lightning.
Posted by UrbanMonk 11th November, 2008
Rated :

Very cool, I liked the way the construct icons stretched and rotated randomly when they got hit. Simply Awesome
Posted by Marko 11th November, 2008
Rated :

That was a particularly nice effect! Loved the multi-colour retro-style explosions when your gun fire hits the scenery too
Posted by Peblo 11th November, 2008

Haha, I love the wars you guys come up with. Though, doesn't it get old?
Posted by AndyUK 11th November, 2008
Rated :

I think QuaziGNRLnose is new. Welcome to the internets!
Posted by Bibin 11th November, 2008

We've already resolved it in his game's comment section.

Also guys for my next game please don't start a war k thanks.
Posted by Codemonkey 11th November, 2008
Rated :

k welcome.
Posted by Mr_Tom 12th November, 2008
Rated :

can some one tell me why they think this is the best game released this week? just out of interest.

Posted by 3kliksphilip 12th November, 2008
Rated :

Can you name one other game released which lets you aim with a mouse?

I thought not.
Posted by Bibin 12th November, 2008

Well Mr_Tom, it's addictive. It's a style that you either enjoy playing or can't stand.
Comment edited by Bibin on 11/12/2008
Posted by Mr_Tom 12th November, 2008
Rated :

didn't you make it?
Posted by 3kliksphilip 12th November, 2008
Rated :

Nice to see a platformer with mouse aim, but it gets so dull. Not only that but it's poking fun at other, better game makers. And people seem to like it for that!
Posted by Marko 12th November, 2008
Rated :

I just got 5500, but i forgot to press Prt Sc to take a screenshot of it! D'oh!!
Posted by QuaziGNRLnose 12th November, 2008
Rated :

id be giving this a 3.5, because it was quite fun, even with the (to say the least) sketchy subject, i did enjoy the peeeeeee<A HREF="http://wwwwweewwewewe">wwwwweewwewewe</A> gun, and im happy to see that jeff was the one who eventually got pwned. its an alright game, but not deserving of 5 stars or GOTW,

i couldnt get a score higher than 2800 tho, probably cause i could only stand still and shoot with my hand in this damned cast, i could only imagine how many enemies come at higher scores.

lol auto link
Comment edited by QuaziGNRLnose on 11/12/2008
Posted by Marko 12th November, 2008
Rated :

Link doesn't work! lol

P.S. i found a way to get points easily, kinda like when you find that guaranteed scoring spot in FIFA
Posted by Eternal Man [EE] 13th November, 2008
Rated :

"i couldnt get a score higher than 2800 tho, probably cause i could only stand still and shoot with my hand in this damned cast, i could only imagine how many enemies come at higher scores."

Ha ha!
Yeah, I guess this is one of those games best appreciated with two hands!

Posted by QuaziGNRLnose 13th November, 2008
Rated :

A ham expires throughout a soil!

random quote of the day
Posted by Lachie Dazdarian 14th November, 2008
Rated :

A rather messy and cheap-looking design, but the engine is cool.
Posted by Blue66 14th November, 2008
Rated :

I really don't know what you guys are fighting over. Maybe you should get out and get some fresh air or something.

I think it's a great little game to kill some time. It has fun music, fun gameplay and for a quick round it's really great. I like the power ups, too

Not 5 stars because once you close it, you don't really get the urge to start it again anytime soon.
Posted by alastair john jack 14th November, 2008
Rated :

This was decent, definitely well presented and coded well. A good pump of fun, that lasts for a few minutes.
Posted by W3R3W00F 14th November, 2008
Rated :

Posted by W3R3W00F 15th November, 2008
Rated :

My score was 2553
Posted by Attan 15th November, 2008
Rated :

Hahaha! Fun theme, making fun of the concurrence Clickteam is getting now! Good music in the beginning, but the graphics was bad, the effects, where poor, the gameplay was repetative etc. Overall a bad game, but a fun idea!

And this flamewar should stop. Even though i think the construct users are keeping a more mature argumentation, maybee we should stop posting about construct at all. Apparently the word "construct" itself is starting argumentations.
Posted by Chris Vermilya 15th November, 2008
Rated :

Was fun for about 4 seconds. idk why so many ppl like this. its basically an epic fail of game making.
Posted by Muz 17th November, 2008
Rated :

This game is like William Hung. Quick, addictive, popular, and unpopular. Bibin, I salute you. Someone should make a Construct game where the C logo goes around eating MMF2 and GM icons
Posted by Cecilectomy 17th November, 2008
Rated :

haha. hmmmm.
Posted by moren11 4th December, 2008
Rated :

so you saying that gamemaker sucks? (my score was 2.4k btw)
Posted by AndyUK 8th June, 2009
Rated :

What it does in it's own free time is it's own business.

Ive changed my mind on the rating. Can I change it plz?
Comment edited by AndyUK on 6/8/2009
Posted by Aden 15th August, 2009
Rated :

biggest epic fail i ever played the music is very repetetive the sound of the gun soon gets annoying i got 6185 by standing in a corner and you could've come up with better enemies than the constuct icon and the gamemaker icon. graphics are dull, before i went in the corner i was standing on a ledge no wait... i wasnt i was floting next to the ledge all of the sound efects are annoying. the item should be smaller or a harder target. why make fun of other game making software? i bet you some one who knows how to use visual basic or c++ would have a feild day on you, cant realy mock other gamemaking softwares that are capable of doing exactly the same as mmf. oh dear
Posted by Bibin 21st August, 2009

Hey Aden! Guess what! You haven't read anything, have you! This was for a competition. I had to sequelise another game called Jeff Pwns, which is the reason it has MMF2 competitors products as enemies. For reference, I know quite a bit of C/C++ and a bit of Java.

Oh dear indeed.
Posted by Ricky 5th September, 2009
Rated :

I'm not sure why I'm here, but Aden, you fail at commenting
Comment edited by Ricky Garces on 9/5/2009
Posted by Codemonkey 7th November, 2009
Rated :

Hey tommorrow is Jeff Pwns' 1st birthday! <3
Posted by Aden 28th February, 2010
Rated :

hah you fail at life -_-






Worth A Click