Hey just wondering if anyone could help me figure out how to get an object to always look in teh direction of the mouse. The inteneded application is a top down shooter much like crimsonland (legs controlled by keyboard and upper torso controlled by mouse)
I'm fiddling around with MMF and having some trouble figuring this one out. I could always make teh upper torso controlled by a seperate set of keys, but that isn't exactly what I'd like. Anyways help would be much appreciated.
Don't knock on death's door- ring the doorbell and run away. He hates that.
Create an object, draw a crosshair or something, and centre the hotspot.
Add the event:
+ Always
: Crosshair: Set X to XMouse
: Crosshair: Set Y to YMouse
: Player: Look at 0,0 from Crosshair
Hahah, oh well. I've done this before, it was good fun. I had Fox from Starfox doing a platform movement, with his arm and gun as a separate object which always faced the crosshair, and he always watched it too, and if he was running away from it he'd face it and play a backwards walking animation, it was pretty cool. I haven't made a game out of it yet though.