Posted By
Harvest Sun O_O Sin Binned (Broke The Rules)
Registered 30/12/2004
Points -16
15th March, 2005 at 11:16:06 -
I'm creating an RPG and I need to have some NPCs randomly walk around within a small area e.g. by their house. Also, how can i make them walk, then stop for a time, then walk, tehn stop etc.
Thanks for the help.
Destroyer (CrobaSoft)
Registered 10/10/2004
Points 1106
15th March, 2005 at 11:53:46 -
just make some invisible detectors around the house and make them bounce if they collide with it.
to make them stop just do something like every 3 second stop.
every second start
Visit or you're a Noob.
axel Crazy?
Registered 05/02/2005
Points 4766
15th March, 2005 at 13:47:18 -
Every [??:??]
-toggle flag 0
Flag 0 is on
Flag 0 is off
as for them to move around randomly:
Every [??:??]
Set direction to [select all directions]
Harvest Sun O_O Sin Binned (Broke The Rules)
Registered 30/12/2004
Points -16
16th March, 2005 at 21:51:04 -
Thanks guys.
Registered 14/03/2005
Points 52
23rd March, 2005 at 03:14:43 -
Harvest, don't worry about this. I'm going to be creating a very easy method of doing this within the tile engine world builder.
Current Project: Undertaking the design of my mammoth RPG. Utilizing all of the knowledge gained while coding the now defunct "Shadow Reign".
AndyUK Mascot Maniac
Registered 01/08/2002
Points 14586
23rd March, 2005 at 09:53:46 -
I made one where it randomly sets their A value to either
1 for upward (y-1)
2 downward (y+1)
3 left (x-1)
4 right (x+1)
every seconds or two seconds
and if they were overlapping an obstacle
overlapping + a = 1 then (y+1)
overlapping + a = 2 then (y-1)
overlapping + a = 3 then (x+1)
overlapping + a = 4 then (x-1)
which would cancel out any movement when they were overlapping