Posted By
Willy C
Registered 14/02/2004
Points 1524
11th June, 2005 at 15:01:29 -
Destroyer made a 360 shooting code for me some time ago, and I've added mouse aim to it. But I cant make it shoot out more then one bullet at the time - like a shotgun. any ideas?
heres the code:
Knudde (Shab) Administrator
Registered 31/01/2003
Points 5125
11th June, 2005 at 15:37:52 -
I didn't look at the file,but have you tried using fastloops?
Craps, I'm an old man!
Willy C
Registered 14/02/2004
Points 1524
11th June, 2005 at 16:39:56 -
Destroyer pm'ed me and fixed it for me. thx man! Really good example, one of the best and easiest examples that use 360 shooting, but as you said in the mail, it needs move safely object.
Destroyer (CrobaSoft)
Registered 10/10/2004
Points 1106
12th June, 2005 at 03:35:13 -
I edited the example some more. As you can see the enemy mostly shoots through the wall but the one you shoot never does[2].cca
Visit or you're a Noob.
Willy C
Registered 14/02/2004
Points 1524
12th June, 2005 at 04:58:50 -
you should upload a toturial on this, very usefull stuff, I never understood 360 cos and sin codes before this example.
Willy C
Registered 14/02/2004
Points 1524
12th June, 2005 at 06:03:33 -
Then you will loose that bet
Willy C
Registered 14/02/2004
Points 1524
12th June, 2005 at 09:57:33 -
*Sigh* Sinus to an angle is the relation between the opposite katet and hypotenus.
Cosinus is the angle relation between the closest katat and hypotenus
Willy C
Registered 14/02/2004
Points 1524
12th June, 2005 at 12:02:50 -
I dont have to prove you anything, I know what cos and sin are!
Klikmaster Master of all things KlikRegistered 08/07/2002
Points 2599
12th June, 2005 at 13:04:51 -
Willy: Being able to make 360 stuff using sine and cosine in mmf by following a tutorial on it doesn't mean you understand what they actually mean.
p.s. You can't even spell them Edited by the Author.
Willy C
Registered 14/02/2004
Points 1524
12th June, 2005 at 13:15:45 -
I'm from Norway, try spelling Norwegian words right. And yes, I do understand what I need to know about 360 shootings.
Phizzy, I too can look up words on google:
DONE ARGUING! LOCK THIS TOPIC! Edited by the Author.