Colourwise, the Snes can display tons of colours at once (256?). It certainly has a larger overall pallette than the 256 colour mode on TGF or MMF.
Resolution? The standard is 256x224.
If you find the game 'A game with a Kitty' you will see that it uses a large border to get the same resolution even though the game really uses 320x240.
It seems to me that any game that goes for a snes look seems to generally use less colours than would normally be possible on a real Snes, look at 'Noitu love and the army of grinning darns' or 'A game with a Kitty' for two examples.
I wouldn't be surprised if SNES could display its full palette in one screen by altering palette entries between scanlines. So you'll get 256 colors per LINE.
edit: Of course... The SNES wouldn't be fast enough to pull this off in anything but a static screen, or maybe keep the top part of the screen one palette and the lower another.
Edited by the Author.
- Ok, you must admit that was the most creative cussing this site have ever seen -