Dear Daily Clickers!
It has been a very unproductive time for me. I have accomplished very litlle clickwise, but I am happy to announce I am very close to finish my first game in four years !
Granted, it is not really a game, more like a single level. And not a really great one, to be frank, but still a vast improvement from doing nothing.
So I examined the last backup level I saved, and discovered it has no less than 103 lines in the event editor, while the current version have 239 lines and counting. That means this past week I have accomplished more than twice as much on my game than the past 14 months, and I for one think that is a very fine pace.
But my question is this: What do YOU think? What do you accomplish when you are productive? Do you finish a level, or many? Do you have any idea how many lines you code? Are there days you work on your games more than others? Or simply put: how much time every week do you spend on clicking?
I think clicking requires alot of time. For every minute of gameplay there are at least ten minutes of work. That's why I think it's a pity clickers don't work well in teams. If people just learned to cooperate, I think we would see alot more great games here, and I also think the process would be easier, and the experience greater.
Anyway, before the block, the process would seem almost automatic to me. I would open The Gamesfactory, and the pieces would just float together. I still think there should be an oppurtunity to feel you have made an effort, but the problem today is overcoming laziness.
So that's what I think. Please share your opinion!
Thanks for your time!
Well like I said in messenger, it varies from day to day for whatever reason. Time or distractions or just not feeling like it. Some games are easier to work on than others.
I usually stop when I don't feel like working on my game, which is rather frequent at times sadly. I guess there isn't much motivation to finish your game if you're only doing it as a hobby.
But I'd say doing anything is good so long as you can see an end in sight. 103 lines in a week is good by anyones standards though Niko.
Having never finished a game I'm probably not the person to be giving advice about being productive. But I'd say that thinking less is key to doing work. The minute you start to think you notice all the imperfections in your game, the other million ideas floating in your head start to look enticing, you spend eight hours doing one sprite and it all falls apart.
The closest I ever came to finishing a game was a mini-golf game, which I decided to do one weekend and worked on it for about a week. Then the file corrupted and that was that.
At one point I just worked until I burnt myself out, then go for a hike or cycle into Huddersfield and then get back to work on the game. But in the last week or so I've been mega productive and don't like to waste free time doing anything but make games and sheeeite.