Hey there. As some of you may know, SMR and I have been working to try and get a little competition up and running. We've decided to kick things off now, and we hope you'll support us in this.
For more information on how everything is supposed to pan out check http://ebbc.dk/compo
The first phase of the compo is voting on a theme. You have a week to do this. Next weekend, I will announce which theme received the most votes and you can start coding.
I would love it if you would reply to this message and say which theme you'd most like to work with. You can choose from the folling list (1 vote each):
One of the reasons is that you can't upload files here and if we allow people to host files themselves we have no guarantee that files aren't tampered with after the deadline. It's also for having 1 central place for the rules and descriptions and such. Posts here would get buried with time and I don't want people to have to be investigators just to find out how to participate.