The Daily Click ::. Forums ::. General Chat ::. Please report that Youtuber Hater account.

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Peace & Love


15th October, 2013 at 15/10/2013 11:35:35 -

This user, is a leader of an internet group that it's only sole purpose is laugh about the incapables or these who seems vonurable and fragile:

As a Kliker and an art enthusiast I know the painful feeling of being offended by someone or a group of people for your attempt of putting an effort in a creation that sometimes is considered sub-par by matters of quality.

It could be any of you here that are starters in this area of game design and you might have a risk to be bullied and offended by these kind of people.

"Rich Lowtax" is responsible for a large act of massive hate over these who seems to him inferior in the quality of producing the various products related to art. One may start as with basic knowledge in using the Klik products but later can highly improve, getting one's from starter's quality to master level in a decent period.

However, such kind of haters like this Youtuber I have mentioned are often acting to discourage these who attempt to take a participation in the Videogame design community by repeatedly mocking, offending these starter individuals and using fowl terms of language to completely discourage a person to keep in creation of later art related products.

What I want from you is to go to the Youtube channel that is mentioned above, or here:

And then flag with a report any of these videos who seems to be offensive or/and bullying toward these individuals.
This user is known for his hatred and offense toward groups that he consider weak and should be stopped immediately, especially if you are all consider to make the internet a place where people are treat with respect.

I know that the social low outdid with me each time I wasn't being held on a right side of behavior and I had to suffer the consequences of my own hateful or mocking behaviors so therefore, a justice must be done and this user as well should be reported to the Youtube Staff that is in charge of abusive content.

Everyone here who is using Youtube, please, do the fellow Klikers and artist a favor and report these videos this user has on Youtube. These who include offense of individual by name or by the fowl mentioning of his creations.

Any ignorant to or justification of his bullying of other individuals will only be a justification for the like of me to abuse future communities, as you must know that one of the reasons I tend to do the same is because of the legitimization people are giving to the larger on the hook such as

In other words, I'll troll the shit of you if you justify his acts and don't do anything measurable against this guy. I seek justice and justice must be done, eye for an eye! I demand revenge in the name of justice, and justice must be made!


Chris Donovan

18th October, 2013 at 18/10/2013 04:42:32 -

Criticism is part of life.

If it's any consolation to you, I looked at one of his videos, and it wasn't very entertaining.

Send me feedback on my latest game, It Never Ends.


10th January, 2014 at 10/01/2014 23:17:25 -

Although I don't agree with trolling for revenge, it sounds like NastyMan is doing what he is doing because he has been truly hurt. I would definitely say that what the youtube user is doing is bullying and not "criticism".

I also looked at one of NastyMan's games, "Fruit Fly", and people in the comments were bullying him, saying his game was "rubbish" and stuff and being sarcastic and mean. That makes me really mad, because I know how I felt back when my skills were at his level and I got bullied.

Edited by Dialga-Brite



11th January, 2014 at 11/01/2014 01:18:55 -

edited my post so BUMP
what did NastyMan's "may I post something personal please" post say?


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