Posted By
MonadoBoy64 Am Really Feeling it
Registered 27/01/2018 23:48:54
Points 3405
23rd December, 2019 at 23/12/2019 05:10:07 -
Hey guys, I'm wondering if I should make my next game episodic or in full. I can't decide between either, so I want your guy's opinion. So reply your suggestions, please! I would really help!
Registered 06/11/2017 15:06:39
Points 1388
23rd December, 2019 at 23/12/2019 08:22:08 -
I personally prefer in full.
Hello. Have a good day.
MonadoBoy64 Am Really Feeling it
Registered 27/01/2018 23:48:54
Points 3405
23rd December, 2019 at 23/12/2019 15:14:51 -
Thanks, for your suggestion!
Joshtek Administrator
The Archivist
Registered 02/01/2002
Points 3841
24th December, 2019 at 24/12/2019 11:50:28 -
I can see the argument in both directions. Splitting it up into multiple parts can discourage people from starting (i.e. they wait for it to be complete but then forget about it) or mean they never end up playing the later parts of the game (because they have forgotten the storyline or never know that later parts are released). On the other hand, releasing the first part can give you the energy to continue making the rest and you can take advantage of the feedback you get. One half-way option is to release a beta demo of what you've got rather than making it episodic. For most Klik games I would probably say they are best in one game because people who want to can then play it all in one go, and then if it is a success you can always make a sequel.
I loved the Klik-based point & click adventure game That Night Before which was released in four 'Acts', so it can work to do it episodically. The game was so fun I was eagerly awaiting for the next Act. On the other hand, artificially making people wait if you end up doing all the content in one go has very little benefit, especially if the end of the 'episode' is not sufficiently satisfying or suspenseful. So I guess it depends on the game and how ambitious it is, but all-in-one with potential sequels is the normal route people go for.
One advantage of sequels is that you can do more in terms of improving the art style, engine and gameplay mechanics without it seeming weird - I've watched a number of games such as Locked over multiple sequels and it is quite fun to see them improve as they go on. However, for That Night Before having it as one big multi-part story released in episodic content was a reasonable route for them to go to, so it all depends on what your vision is, what your circumstances are, and who your audience is.
If you do make it episodic, ensure people know where to get the next episode. You could even have some form of mailing list so people can be notified when it is out.
Edited by an Administrator
:: Joshtek ::
Oreos? GO! OREOS!
MonadoBoy64 Am Really Feeling it
Registered 27/01/2018 23:48:54
Points 3405
24th December, 2019 at 24/12/2019 18:31:44 -
Thanks for the advice! Honestly, I'm having thoughts of making episodic because the game is going to have a lot of story in the game. And I'm kind feeling overwhelmed with planning the story because I really want to get to making the game. So that had me think about making the game episodic. And I'm thinking there's going to be 3, 4, or 5 Acts/Episodes.