Spiderhead decided to post his comics, so here is my effort at creating some. They are Wai Ai Man parts 1,2 and 3, and they are about a Newcastle born-and-bred superhero.
i have done more comics than Spiderhead (one comic i did about 60 of them!) but the writting was hard to read and the first comic i did the story was insane!
here is order of best comics
1. Dangerz (what the hell is this crap???)
2. Monster Wars (good but written still small0
3. Spiderhead (good but Tomatoman got very annoyed with it)
Dangerz and Monster Wars had my main charater "pecks" in them. Pecks was a small blue/green creatures with no legs or hands but a head with a peck. i know its insane. here is a rubbish drawing of Pecks x) ( i might make a game of Pecks)
<( o )
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I dont know what i was thinking when i design this thing!
I used to do a simular sort of comic called bastard gnome about a small garden gnome with anger managment problems and a fine selection of semi automatic weaponary.
Since the reaction from here has been good up to know, I'm going to make a few more and put it in an application in the downloads section. I'm on to number 4, and it has 2 pages!
In this new one he goes to Scotland, but I can't give you the whole story, mainly cos I haven't figured it out yet.