I was just wondering which do you think his better:
Solid moving platform or jump through moving platform?
Right now, I have the basics of my CPM are mostly finished (walk, jump w/gravity, dash, slide, wall slide, wall jump, jump-through platforms) and I'm adding extra stuff to it. I managed to add an acceptable moving platform mecanism to it, but right now, it's only a jump through one. And it mustn't go too fast or else the player can sometimes falls through it. At least I can give the path movement no problems...
I tried to make it a solid platform but I'm always having troubles. To make one, the player must be pushed whenever he come in contact with it. (if the platform is moving left, the player will be pushed left if he stand in it's way,etc...) The problem is that anti-sink loops just won't work! I just keep getting jumpy results! I think it's because of the order at which MMF execute some events but I'm not sure. François explained it to me, and if that's actually the problem, then there are no solutions, unless I start coding manually the movement of every moving platforms, which I won't do. (go there if you wanna see François's explanation, in french though: http://www.clickteam.com/CTforumF/showflat.php3?Cat=&Board=tools&Number=4948&page=0&view=collapsed&sb=5&o=&part=
So anyways, do you think jump-through platforms are OK?
I thought so myself... It's so mush easier to code! I was asking here because a couple of people told me they'd prefer obstacle-platforms, with a whole bunch of features like spinning platforms and such.
I might do that when I'm a bit more experienced with MMF...
I'll probably be posting a demo quite soon, so you guys will be able to tell me if I lost my time doing it or if it's actually good.
I just need to decide if I'll use ripped graphics or not. Man, what a dilemma!
NO RIPPED GFX... pls, i dont care how crap you are at GFX its still better that ripping. as long as the gameplays and codings strong (you seem to have it planned) thats all that matters
'oh yeah? he's thrown a kettle over a pub, what have you done?'
An 8 year old microphone. I got it when we originally got windows 95(1995). Not sure what they cost now...we just hook it up to the back of the comp and you can talk into it, or make noises with objects into the mic.
Pots, pans, boards, nails, plastic, cloth, grass, water, sheet metal, other liquids, forks, a tuning fork, other utensils, music making devices, a toilet, round objects, an umbrella.....loads of stuff to make neat SFX with. Umbrellas(surprisingly) can make really good magical sounds.(or a lame sounding *swish*) Oooh, have to try a match near the mic too!
Ah yes, I remember seeing the post and the explanation in French (on the English forums!). Go for jump-through platforms, it's easier and nicer IMHO.
Microphones aren't that expensive, but as always the quality is proportional to price. If you want to make your own sounds, just have a look at various common things, they can make some interesting noises. Effects can transform sounds, too - reversing the sound is effective for certain things.
RIP: Nope, but I can probably make one. I guess the key is finding out what sounds "turn into" when they hit the mic.
I was surprised that sheet metal almost sounded like an explosion when I tapped it. It sounds more twangy for my ears.