The Daily Click ::. KlikCast

KlikCast - Episode #4

And here it is! The special Video-Christmas Episode of KlikCast!! In it we talk about the recent events in the click community but also we call up guests by phone! Its all made in good fun, so we hope you enjoy it. This Episode is 19 min long, has been saved in the .wmv format and is 38 mb.

Episode 4 features:

* Introduction with me (run away), Phone interviews with Alex about Eden online, Ben on Zan Zan, and Jake about Jamies Revenge and a cool interview with Francois!
* Video reviews for Hasslevania and Spacefest
* Retro-Review for: Airpop Neo

This is a Video Episode so the file size will be larger. Everything in this episode was made in good fun so i hope you enjoy it, it took a long time to make but it was a blast

Comments and suggestions for Episode 4 are more then welcome. If you have some news about your latest project and you want me to give you a call, just send me a dc-mail and we will set it up. Oh and thanks to Adam for the very cool logo.

- For every episode we are also looking for people who want to do there very own segment in the show. If you have a microphone and you want to do a review or share some news feel free to email the mp3/wav to: and i'll be sure to put in there. With the help of more people this show could get better and better as we go along.

I will try and release a new episode every month.
ps. The character of adam is fictional not related to anyone real.

Watch This Episode on our Youtube channel! View all episodes

Posted by Zephni 29th April, 2008
Rated :

~ Hey rikus, awesum epsisode, your hilarius!
i'm sure therd be loads of us that'd like to help or make klikcast even bigger/better. I for one!
If i do get any idea's il be sure to let you know!
Posted by Rikus 8th February, 2010

Ohh History time! The first couple of episodes were on the main downloads page, since everyone was rating the episode 4/5 stars all the episodes soon climbed up to the top download list, since that is not fair for the actual games after 5 months they were moved to its own spot on the site And that's why there are almost no comments on these early episodes.



Worth A Click