The Daily Click ::. Links

Author: JackNtheBox Submitted: 02 2004
Hits: 1408  

Mission Statement:

Uploaded to the web on February 5, 2004 by founder JackNtheBox.

The gaming industry is constantly upgrading its visuals to 3d imaging and cd quality sound.

However, some gamers will remember the Nintendo Entertainment System's extensive gallery of gaming goodness

that is being overshadowed by today's powerful technology. Thus, Klassic Jems was formed. Each game has its

own unique gameplay concept, thus granting every game by Klassic Jems to be highly innovative. Also, each

game is rendered in 2d glory, ranging from Gameboy, NES, and SNES appearance. Every game is

joystick/keyboard interchangable. We hope that you enjoy playing our games. Thank you.



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Worth A Click