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New look Klik Academy
Author: Pete Nattress Submitted: 10 2004
Hits: 2207  

A community site run by yours truly! (and Steve from Newklear before me) Features:

* Sign up to be a teacher and create courses
* Take tests on certain courses
* Submit your own downloads, links, articles and libraries
* Write your own devlog
* Play CCN games in the KAcade
* Interactive version of Muz's Click FAQ
* Lots more

Currently offering the follwing courses:

* PHP and MySQL by Steve
* VB 6 by me
* Platform Movements by CYS
* Game scoring by TwiTerror
* Application making by Gizmostripe

With the following coming soon:

* Pixel art by Fishead
* Vector art by JayTitan
* MOO programming by FireMonkey

Come visit us sometime!

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Worth A Click