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NexusSoft Software Distributor - Official Website
Author: Andrew Spier Submitted: 11 2004
Hits: 1365  

This is the official website of my new software distribution system (made with MMF). The NSSD system is not yet completed, but I am working on it off and on.

What this system will do is allow me to distribute my software using user accounts (all software distributed is currently free).

If you think of it, this is somewhat my own version of Valve Software's STEAM. This is a wonderful way of distributing software and should be used (I think) in many companies. This has prevented a lot of piracy of their games and software.

So, take a look at the website, register the forums, whatever you want!

An upcoming game will be presented on the NSSD system: Operativez, a game I am making which is a clone of the German game, Soldat (also in English).


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