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Sitesled (Best Free Webhosting)
Author: Silveraura Submitted: 12 2004
Hits: 3792  

Now I know alot of people here at DailyClick either cant find a good free webhost &/or use a host such as Freewebs or Geocities, & after being said over 50x, Sitesled is the best free webhost you can find, people still remain to use other sucky free web hosts for a number of reasions, they dont trust anything else, they are stuborn, who they are too lazy to make a website without a full flegged website designer regardless that it sucks, just to name a few of them.

The main reasion I am posting this, is so that people who cant find a free web host, now have one! As for the people who choose not to leave them, there lose, I just wont download there games at 3kb/sec not to mention that they are using nothing but an unreliable host.

Why use Sitesled!?
100MB Webspace
Direct Linking
1GB of banthwidth a day!
Extremly Easy
No ads, banners, or html tags!
Supports all file formats unlike 1ASPHost (EXE, ZIP)
Lets you connect via FTP!
Includes a free banner exchange. (If you choose to be in it.)
Absolutly & 100% Completely FREE!(No annoying nags about buying extra, just to make your website better as you upload stuff & so on.)

Trust me when I say this, Sitesled is the best free webhosting you can currently find! Move to Sitesled if you want good, reliable, free web hosting!

*Deap Breath* Ok, finally I got it out.

Visit This Site:

Posted by  12 2004

I'll check it out.
Posted by tdc052621  12 2004

Like it works anymore, i goton it today and the whole site was down again and the ftp wouldnt work yesterday.
Posted by Silveraura  12 2004

Its rare that that happens zim, they are just having a little problem at the current moment, its happened once before a long while ago, its fine!
Posted by AS Filipowski  01 2005

Really good hosting stuff. The 1000mb limit isnt too much to worry about really.
Posted by Greasy  02 2005

OH MY GOD! And it even has firefox ads because Firefox Rocks!
Posted by axel  01 2006

I believe it's 100Mb, AS Filipowski.


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