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Silverdrake's Page
Author: Silverdrake [Draconianware] Submitted: 11 2005
Hits: 1360  

Yes, Moler changed his name to Silverdrake. I didn't want to cause any confusion so I posted my site up again, but I changed it. Hopefully for the better. I took out the "music" page, but may put it back in later. I also removed the demos page, but I might just modify my 'Extras" page into a previews page. The music on the "Mythpedia"'s volume was turned down low. The last change I made was that I changed the badground to some clounds, because of my new dragon theme.

Visit This Site:

Posted by Silverdrake [Draconianware]  11 2005

NOTE: Was NOT made with a fancy smacy website maker.
Posted by  11 2005

Mine wasn't eather and I was just to post stuff But you stil bashed it!

Anyway now the site is worse!
And all you did was take stuff out how dumb!
The only thing better is the clouds!
So now Im only gonna Post this one comment
Not to anoy the other people
Witch you used to do I don't know
if you still you muffin.
Posted by Silverdrake [Draconianware]  11 2005

I ttok out useless junk. And plus, my demos page was scrapped for a reason, if got MASHED!!! My music page was completely useless, but I might create a "Music Archive" link, that will take you to a music archive that I'm going to make. My Extras page may as well become my prodjects page, and I don want to waste precious megs, with junk!
Posted by  11 2005

But you havent Even updated Your downloas page
or your Mythpedia The only reason I go on your site!
All you do Is update little things No main things!
Posted by Silverdrake [Draconianware]  11 2005

I am never ever going to put up another demos page. Maybe just a prodjects page. I update HUGE things, thing you could NEVER comprehend. All the things I do have a point. And I havent finished any games to put on my downloads page! Make sense now?
Posted by DaVince  11 2005

Stop flaming to each other and become a TEAM!
Posted by DaVince  11 2005

The background looks annoying. Also, the standard font doesn't look very good.

And I believe you when you say that you didn't use any fancy editor, because the site could be made with notepad easily.

Oh, right, one last good tip:

Posted by  11 2005

Ok davine Thats what Im trying to tell silverdrake
For a long time I flame I just want silver drake
to lean how it feels to be bashed!
I want silver drake to stop bashing But he says "I can bash what i want" and "A bad game sould be bashed"Help!
Posted by  11 2005

Sorry about "Davine" I ment DaVince
Posted by Silverdrake [Draconianware]  11 2005

Thanks for the tip DaVince. The clouds are only makeshift, they were the baest ones I could find. Ina few hours, maybe, theyll be changed.
Posted by Silverdrake [Draconianware]  11 2005

I cant quite find one universal font that almost everyone has, so...the default may just have to do.
Posted by Silverdrake [Draconianware]  11 2005

@DaVince (1st comment)

Evil Kitty probably wont be posting anything (I hope) for a while. The GameMine staff (team, whatever) has decided on a new rule so that we can keep our reputation from getting any worse. I hope it works.
Posted by Silverdrake [Draconianware]  11 2005

Clouds fixed!

Now a way to get to everyone elses site!
Posted by axel  11 2005

Get a frickin instant messenger instead of spamming irrelevant idiocy here.

The site was kind of empty. Nothing flashy, just the basic stuff.
Posted by Silverdrake [Draconianware]  11 2005

II have an instant messenger! But why would I want to talk with you?!
Posted by Peblo  11 2005

*sweatdrop* I think he means to talk within ourselves...
Posted by axel  11 2005

What I meant was that you should use that instant messenger to talk with KITTY you moron. Spamming totally uninteresting irrelevant stupidity here just annoys other people.
Posted by DaVince  11 2005

Yeah, go argue in the messenger instead.
Posted by Bibin  11 2005

wow, that was the most immature bashing of a site (evil kitty) that i have ever seen. i'm not sure i should stay in GameMine anymore, i'm not getting anything good outta it.
Posted by Peblo  11 2005

We could try to make it a lot better...
On a seperate note, lets go find a messenger. Seriously, this is why GameMine has a low reputation.
Posted by  11 2005


Posted by Silverdrake [Draconianware]  11 2005

Fragasnap & I have a instant messenger but Evil Kitty....He doesnt....Im sorry about the irrevolent idiocy and evrything, but Evil Kitty only has dial-up, and I keep telling him "You can still use it!!!!" but all he says is "I'm gonna wait till I get DSL!!" Its VERY annoying.
Posted by DaVince  12 2005

Nice dragon image. And the background doesn't pain my eyes.

But the rest... Standard ugly Times New Roman font, weird outlines, not enough content...
In short, put a bit more effort in this site.

PS: if you rename the main page to index.htm or index.html, you can just use as an URL. Much shorter.
Posted by Silverdrake [Draconianware] April 01 2006

Oh, thanks.

How do you change the font? I have a cool font on my computer, but I have no clue how to use it!
Posted by MikeP  01 2006

DONT! If someone views your site and they dont have the font you used, it doesnt look like the one you used.
Posted by Silverdrake [Draconianware]  01 2006

Okay, thanks.
Posted by DaVince  02 2006

DO! There are standard fonts EVERY Windows user has.

<font face="font name" size="a size"> The text here gets showed in that font. </font>

Standards are:
Times new Roman
Courier New

I'm sure there are more, but those are the most common. Also, this is the HTML tag, as I don't know if you use CSS. Guess not.


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