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Silverdrake's NEW Page
Author: Silverdrake [Draconianware] Submitted: 02 2006
Hits: 1712  

Well, here it is. After my old site getting deleted, I decided to complete renew my site. Its alot like my old site, but much newer. And in my oppinion (which may not matter) much better.

Things I added:
Frames with a nice grey background
A nice shiny logo
A new page: Art
A customly colored scrollbar
And a few tables for my games and previews.

Thinks I took out:
I took out my old Mythpedia, since I was much too lazy to find a new creature each week
The two dragon heads that were facing "Silverdrake's Page"
The links at the bottom of the page were moved to a frame

Things I didn't change:
The Times New Roman font (Sorry DaVince!)
A lot of the pages are relatively the same
And lastly, the background is the still the same

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Posted by  02 2006

ok site ulea ulea
Posted by Silverdrake [Draconianware]  02 2006

Dang, you scared evryone away.
Posted by DaVince  02 2006

It has improved a BIT since the last time...

But the grey / blue mix doesn't go together well. use <body bgcolor=>. And instead of the default font, go with a nice one.

I explained this in your last link, you can use a different font using <font face="font name">. Some fonts that EVERY Windows user has are:
- Arial
- Arial Black
- Verdana
- Tahoma
- Courier
- Courier New
- Comic Sans MS
- Times New Roman
- MS Serif
- MS Sans Serif
- Script (I think...)
- System
- Wingdings
- Webdings
Posted by Silverdrake [Draconianware]  02 2006

Erm, okay, I'll try to fix it...
Posted by DaVince  02 2006

Stil boring.
Posted by axel  02 2006

Oh god...
Posted by DaVince June 03 2006

C'mon then. Still looking pretty bad.
Posted by Silverdrake [Draconianware] June 03 2006

I fixed the font, just like you asked. And I've got some new things in store for it...
Posted by Bibin July 03 2006

what the hell is with kitty and "ulea"? what is ULEA?


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