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LaraSoft Software
Author: LaraSoft Software Submitted: 03 2006
Hits: 2417  

The official website for LaraSoft Software

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Posted by DaVince  03 2006

That looks so professional and stylish. Nice work!
Posted by axel  03 2006

Posted by Keatontech!  03 2006

I wish my site looked that good. *drools*
Posted by axel  03 2006

Learn HTML, dude.
Posted by LaraSoft Software  03 2006

Learn HTML? Hmm. I'll have you know I can code HTML to a highly advanced level. The website was designed with speed in FrontPage but before I knew it... it was launch day and so up went our FrontPage coded site.
Posted by axel  03 2006

I was talking to Phart. His website is all in flash.
Posted by LaraSoft Software  03 2006

I see - Please accept my appologies
Posted by MasterM March 04 2006

nice and shiny
i am no friend of pink though
looks like a girl's site
Posted by DaVince May 04 2006

What? There's only one top pink bar and you start complaining? Bah.

Such things look good in any colour, blue, green or pink.
Posted by ben mercer  04 2006

Very professional looking site. Very nice, easy to use design.

Hehe, i'm liking the software slogan, I haven't a clue what it's supposed to mean though.
Posted by Tim July 11 2006

Pretty cool.. not terribly original but oh well.

Where did all those certificates actually come from? And customer services?! LOL .. ok
Posted by LaraSoft Software May 04 2007

New site design up


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