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Equin Village Homepage
Author: Del Duio Submitted: 08 2006
Hits: 1877  

This is the homepage for DXF Games' Equin Village game. All manner of information about the game is located here, from the enemy and skills lists to player characters. There's even a map of the main village as well.

Visit This Site: Screenies/EQV/EQVMain.html

Posted by Del Duio  08 2006

Okay, the link works now. Strange things are afoot at the Circle K...
Posted by DaVince  08 2006

I have big feet, so my links always work.

Anyway, nice. A complete encyclopedia about your game, holy crap what a bunch of work that must've been!

Oh yeah, get an Instant Messenger or something. It's hard to reach you at times. New site design barely coming along due to my own projects taking up time.
Posted by Del Duio  08 2006

I had 114 pages (I think it was about that much) of the printed out code with me, so I could get the information from it so I wouldn't mess it up. The prefixes / suffixes and enemy information like physical stats were a supreme BITCH to do, but I'm so glad that I did!

I don't have IM per se, but just drop me a line because I check TDC and my e-mail at least once every 1-2 days DaVince.
Posted by axel  08 2006

Posted by axel  08 2006

Hey, could you maybe do an online version of the game? That'd be just awesome
Posted by Del Duio  08 2006

Yeah, it would be awesome but I don't have the know-how unfortunately Axel. I've thought about it before, though, but there's just way too much stuff in the game for me to do it. I plan to try and make the 3rd one bigger than this, but that will be hard to do!
Posted by axel  08 2006

Moo isn't hard. DO IT!
Or just get someone to do it for you


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