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Author: ldsoftware Submitted: 05 2007
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Posted by DaVince June 05 2007

Sounds like iD Software.

The design is not too good. Everything is easy to find, but the black to green gradients just don't look very good.
Posted by ldsoftware July 05 2007

nice of you to say.. obviously you not a fan of colour.. with YOUR bog standard pretty basic white wesite... but still thx anyway
Posted by Johnny Look July 05 2007

Grow up and learn how to take some criticism, kid.
Posted by DaVince August 05 2007

Agreed. Don't speak like I don't know of colour schemes, now. Seriously, black and light green? Lots of gradients? Could be better. Maybe stick around a bunch of dark green tones (except for the text of course).

I wanted a minimalistic design for my site, btw. That's why it's so simple.
Posted by The Chris Street August 05 2007

Also agreed. You're new at TDC, and making the wrong impression will give the community members a long term negative opinion of you.
Posted by ldsoftware August 05 2007

i took the criticism and responded.. my point being how could davince say anything about the colour system when he has a non colour webste?

and johnny your hardly being nice to a noob that would like to be welcomed...and im not a kid

and chris, you dont think you have given me a negative opinion about the users of this community...
just because im a noob does this mean i have to take crtique and not give it back??

so if it helps..
i appolagise

now if only someone would give me a possitive comment
Posted by The Chris Street September 05 2007

You took the critisism, but also attacked DaVinces site in the process as a bad reaction. If DaVince gave you a positive comment, would you still be critisising DaVinces site in retaliation?

Thought not.

Now, my opinion of your website: It's functional. It does what it says on the tin, it's easy to navigate, it's got lots of content, which is good. The layout doesn't bother me, but the colour scheme does.
Posted by DaVince September 05 2007

I'll correct my post though: the layout is good, but the colour choice isn't.

I have plenty of experience with colour schemes, I just decided to not pick any colours for my site. Is that so wrong?
Posted by ldsoftware September 05 2007

your first comment, your right, but davince gave me a negative comment.
think of it like this...
you use quality toilet roll, i tell you its rubbish...
but i use old newspaper to do the deed...
do i have the right to tell you that your toilet roll is rubish??
i think not

thanks for the website comments..
i agree with what you say, but im still liking the colours..although i am being put off them

Posted by DaVince September 05 2007

Okay, I could have been a bit more constructive. Black and light green just doesn't go together well, like red and green.
Posted by DaVince September 05 2007

Oh, and I'm not gonna be all "wooo nice!!!" if I don't mean it. Like I said, good layout. But my personal opinion (I really should have made that clear, how clumsy of me!) is that the colour scheme is not too well chosen.

Reacting like THAT, though, is a bit harsh, don't you think? I'm never a person to make war.
Posted by Dr. James MD September 05 2007

Who is this kid with a terribly designed website? HTML? Lime green? Gradients? Somebody didn't go to design school.
Posted by ldsoftware September 05 2007

ok davince i get that u dont like the black/green thing. lets leave it at that.

mr james.. i feel you are just jumping on the bandwagon, trying to take the mick just shows your immaturity. shame on you.

Posted by DaVince October 05 2007

Bandwagon? He has an opinion too. And if I look at the source code...
Posted by axel October 05 2007

Lol Jimmi, not everyone can be graphic designers, you übermensch! You're being sarcastic again, are you? -_-'

(Also, what's so wrong with HMTL?)
Posted by axel October 05 2007

Oh jesus, I can't believe I just misspelled HTML -_-
Posted by DaVince October 05 2007

True, who cares about half-old half-new styled HTML code if the site works, right?

Just a suggestion though: what about adding a second theme to the site, so people who don't like the green theme can switch? That's always a good idea (but is it worth the effort? You decide!)
Posted by axel October 05 2007

I know my XHTML, but it's not that damn important as long as it renders well in most major browsers, and gets the job done. I can't believe all these idiots who go "Yeah, the site is perfect otherwise, but it doesn't validate so it's shit."
Posted by ldsoftware October 05 2007

axel thankyou

finally someone who is not a complete *censor*
i feel almost that you are defending me from the barage of attack i am suffering here.. thankyou

davince im obviously a noob with html, how could i possibly create a skin selector? is it even possible with html? i dont dont know any other language, only a little css.. end of

i wont be here anymore, thanks for welcoming me to the community.
Posted by Dr. James MD October 05 2007

All this spawned from copying the name of a very popular development studio and for your initial attack on DaVince. I'm nice to people who are nice back.
Posted by DaVince October 05 2007

He arrives. He posts a link. He can't take the comments of others. He leaves! He hasn't even looked at the actual community, just how many times his link is clicked and to receive "OMG THATS GREAT LOL" comments. Right. <_<

I figured you did the layout all on your own, so I thought you could do that. If not, that doesn't matter, you'll learn in time.

Thanks for calling me a "censor" even though I haven't been unnice to you.
Posted by DaVince October 05 2007

My site doesn't validate.
Posted by ldsoftware October 05 2007

i have looked at the community acually and i believed i could offer help to people with my knowledge of of klik programmes
the *censor* wasn't aimed directly at you, it was more a general summery of peple here, and i also believe the problem spawned from the fact users didnt like it that i "attacked" davinces site... but its fine for everyone to attack mine

and copying the name??
if you mean id software and Ld software, similar yes, but not the same.

this is a big community you have here, but imo its full of bullys, people who have been here a while and think it gives them the right to gang up on noobs
Posted by Dr. James MD October 05 2007

DaVinces site wasn't on show, yours was. Axel posted here too, shall we criticise his avatar, or perhaps something else that is completely unrelated and wasn't posted?
Posted by ldsoftware October 05 2007

i think your just being perdantic now...
so the website of a guy that slated my site is completely unrelated...ok
all i did was look at his and said it looks very basic campared to mine.
and if i said your colours were bad on your website/s, what would your reaction be i wounder???
im sure you would respond by saying "thanks, i apreciate your comments"

or maybe not
Posted by ldsoftware October 05 2007

surley i have the right to defend my site in any way i can
Posted by ldsoftware October 05 2007

and btw, axels avatar is pretty cool i thought
Posted by DaVince October 05 2007

Defend, yes, but if it's not really attacked anyway... Why even defend it? You could just have said something like "too bad to hear that", that would have been enough.

People aren't bullies. They just defend me because they know who I am, and they don't know who you are for attacking me more harshly than I commented on your site. This is pretty natural: who would you support sooner? A friend who commented on something (though not too positively) or someone who starts giving more negative reactions back? Exactly.

Take it easy and learn to take comments, right? There's such a thing as being TOO defensive. No hard feelings, then?
Posted by axel October 05 2007

Guys, seriously, calm down.

ldsoftware's comment on DaVince's site was obviously irrelevant and unnecessary, but it's not as if he was flaming you or something. You don't have to start a massive internet war just because he didn't take the criticism that well. You can correct him, like Circy did, but leave it there.

Now shut it, all of you, 'kay?
Posted by ldsoftware October 05 2007

no hard feelings ofcourse... infact i feel that at least you know who i am now...lmao
and tbh i have quite enjoyed this little battle

and yes i agree i shouldn't have responded the way i did.

so again i say sorry

axel, you should join the army, the peace core.
Posted by DaVince November 05 2007

Okay then. Normally it's me resolving conflicts like these, lol.
Posted by axel November 05 2007

And normally it's me starting them
Posted by DaVince  05 2007

Still a barebones description on this link.
Posted by Zethell  05 2007


Get your own man.
Posted by Zethell  05 2007

Ermm... im pretty sure i typed NAME before man, but apparently i did not..

And second, noticed it was an L and not an I, still, get your own name.
Posted by DaVince  05 2007

Stop whining about the name, lol.
Posted by ldsoftware  05 2007

omg zethal
it is my own name
my initials are L D
Hence the name
Posted by JustinC  05 2007

Black and green is my favorite color combination.
Posted by ldsoftware  05 2007

is that sarcasm?
Posted by DaVince  05 2007

Probably, yes.

Black and green can work well - if you take shades that lie close to each other. Taking black and darkgreen and a simple gradient, it won't work as well.

Speaking of which, I need to do something about that blue gradient on my site.
Posted by Zethell  05 2007

Black and green works well.
Gives you an old school hacker feeling.

It's a nice site, but still ldsoftware.. idsoftware..
Posted by ldsoftware  05 2007

so what, you cant c the difference between an i and an l...
thats like sayin m c f c is the same as m u f c
or do you have a little trouble with dyslexia?
Posted by DaVince  05 2007

"Black and green works well."
Yes, but with 100 different greens it becomes a different story.

lol, stop nagging ldsoftware... You "feel insulted" too quickly.
Posted by Dr. James MD  05 2007

Insulting a disability now.
Posted by DaVince  05 2007

Who, me or ld?
Posted by DaVince March 07 2007

Posted by DaVince  07 2007

Posted by Zethell October 08 2007

Can you see the difference between l and I ?

Most people can't because of the fonts they'r using.

so ldSoftware and IdSoftware, yeah, you tend to get confused.


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