KSVRS Official Site
This is the official site for the KSVRS, or Klik Software Voluntary Rating System. This system has been developed for rating freeware programs, especially Klik software. However, before you get all angry at the TDC for requiring you to use this system to rate your games, please note that it is voluntary, and as of this rating, has not been integrated or required by the admins for any of your games. I simply decided that some people might like the idea of having an easy system to rate their games.
The site details the system, and has a link to a program called the KSVRS Ratings Notepad, which can be used to rate your programs almost mindlessly. Simply answer a few questions about your program and it will compile a rating for you. The program has been submitted to The Daily Click, and can be viewed here.
Visit This Site: http://jonhlamb.googlepages.com/ksvrs