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Castlevania dungeon
Author: J.R.P Submitted: 04 2008
Hits: 1808  

Edited By J.R.P on 4/9/2008

If you like castlevania then visit the castlevania dungeon! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

it has everything castlevania, from cheats, news, midis, info, walkthroughs and plenty more! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Visit This Site:

Posted by Hill Gigas  04 2008

Dude, anyone who's a Castlevania fan has already known about this site for years. Catch up to the times man!
Posted by J.R.P  04 2008

Dude, what about new castlevania fans that have not heard of this site before. Think about newbies man!
Posted by alastair john jack  04 2008

Is probably my favourite Castlevania site.
Posted by DaVince  04 2008

The aim of the links section is to submit your OWN (team's) links, not links from other peoples' sites.
Posted by Hill Gigas  04 2008

I wonder if there really are any NEW Castlevania fans. I mean, the only people who play the new games are people who were already fans of the series from the old NES days. The newer games aren't GREAT, and they certainly aren't groundbreaking like the old ones. The newer games alone probably couldn't make someone like the series enough to go to fan sites.

Then again, I'm completely biased. C3: Dracula's Curse on NES was the best Castlevania game ever made.
Posted by alastair john jack  04 2008

Well I got into series through Aria of Sorrow, and then bought the first game and went from there.
Posted by J.R.P  04 2008

The first CV game i played was castlevania 1 on the nes, but i became the #1 fan when i played SOTN and dracula x for the snes was awesome as well!
Posted by ..:.Phox.:..  04 2008

loving the fan fics

didn't remember this link anymore, thanx

(I got into castlevania throu Circle of the Moon) (And I still think that even thou SOTN is the best, COTM comes right after it )
Posted by J.R.P  04 2008

i agree, COTM was the best of the castlevania handheld games.


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