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Freeware Top 40 - Ver. 3
Author: Caderay Submitted: 04 2009
Hits: 1188  

The Freeware Top 40 is back for the third time. The top 40 started in 1999 and was re-opened in 2005. It later went down due to script problems. The site has a brand new script and should stand the test of time. The top 40 is a freeware top sites list which uses a voting system to rank each site. The purpose of the top 40 is to connect people with the freeware community and their developers. We also have a downloads section where you can find the best freeware games on the net. Please come take a look and join if you'd like.

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Posted by Nuklear41 December 05 2009

How have you been coming to the Dc for 7 years, but never....not even once post on the forums?
Posted by Caderay  05 2009

I've rarely visited at times during those 7 years and when I have I've just lurked.


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