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Breegull Feather Data-Base
Author: DaBreegster Submitted: 12 2002
Hits: 1613  

Da-Breegster's Breegull Feather Data-Base is a Website dedicated to Rareware and Nintendo's greatest Games ever, Banjo-Kazooie and Banjo-Tooie! We are the best Banjo-Site around the Net. Icy-Guy, Chrono-Banjo, Ice-Banjo, and the Webmaster, Da-Breegster, dedicate all of their time bringing you the wonderful features here. We have everything from In-Depth Walkthrough Guides, Cheat-Codes, and Screenshots to Music, Animations, and Videos and even Mini-Games, our own Fan-Game called BK Chronicles, BKT Role-Playing Online, Contests, and even a Band! We also have a great Community Forum! At BFDB, we gaurantee enjoyment!

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