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Mindless Self Indulgence
Author: underjoyed Submitted: 08 2003
Hits: 1850  

Once upon a time in galaxy far a place called new york-there were four beings-two girls(kitty & Lyn Z),a boy(Steve),and a ferret(Jimmy)...they got together and decided they wanted to start a band...and thus began the neverending road to pure stupidity. Mindless Self Indulgence is so fucked up it'll make your head spin and then do the hokey pokey!
a four piece band of co-ed punks from N.Y.C.,whose name manifests itself during their live shows. Their music is a hybrid of Atari driven(the computer not the group),Industrial,New Wave,Soul,Jungle,Hip Hop,and Punk with a venomous splash of Attention Deficit Disorder....aka... "industrialjunglepussypunk"

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