I would have said DS, but it's not fair considering it's from an entirely different generation... Though it would have been DS, I voted GBC because that easily provided me with the best and longest memories and gameplay
Childhood memories rest with the game gear. I had a gameboy color in middle school. Definitely had a lot of memories of that one too. The DS is the best one I've had though. I don't play it nearly as much as I played the others but it's just a good system.
psp homebrews are almost nonexistant on newer firmware. i think after a late 1.x version or early 2.x. only way is to downgrade your firmware which i believe is considered dangerous to the console. (pretty much can make it not work no more)
Bzzzzt! wrong! There's a big custom firmware now, built by a hacker. So you get the newest official firmware features, but also the ability to run ISOs, emulators, homebrew, utilities to make PSP games playable. et al.
how new is this? the last net searching i did turned up nothing. but that was months ago, and i dont even have my psp anymore. maybe this will be a good reason for me to repurchase one. damn car theives.
I didn't know virtual boy was a hand held system. The last time I saw one, it had a huge stand that you sat on the table and then you looked into the eyepiece.
well i just wiki'ed it and it's still on my point about being dangerous to your psp as for the most part it involves doing stuff that can "brick" your psp. not interested.
Yea looking back it's not something I would have done in a proper state of mind. My story is that I bought a fat PSP off ebay that was rubbish so I ran into town, ran back, made a pandora batter off the fat and installed the CFW on my new slim. if you do have a pandora battery then you can always bring it out of a bricked system so theres very little risk.
Or just do what my mate did and buy a new CFW PSP online. Costs a bit more though
Gameboy Advance SP for me. I had the original huge black and white one, skipped the headache machine (virtual boy, but props for trying something new), and then I bought a GBA thinking Nintendo finally made a backlit system.. HA!
After seeing that the SP was indeed backlit, I scooped it up and have had great times ever since. I got a DS a few months ago, and it's GREAT, but so far it doesn't beat a few years' worth of fun with my GBA SP and Advance Wars, Shining Soul 2, Aria of Sorrow, Bubble Bobble, etc. etc. I'm sure it will surpass it eventually, but not now.
My mobile phone Cheap games and easily available! Most people would glare at you when playing a handheld just before an interview.. you don't get that problem with a mobile
I tihnk that Lazarus means the Sega Nomad, a handheld version of the genesis.
The gamegear was a blurry piece of crap with slow games and off-beat music with none of the joy and entertainment the gameboy could deliver.
i just stopped playing PSP and saw this poll on the DC. OF COURSE I voted for PSP. i LOVE my PSP. the reasons why its the best (imho) are clear:
-brilliant games
-brilliant graphics
you can put your music on it (yes i use it as mp3 player since i HATE the ipod and putting music on the psp is way faster than dealing with the whole itunes program and converting shit and everything else thats a pain in the ass about the iPod)
-wonderful screen
-internet that works (even skype)
-i can watch movies on it
-i can put pictuers on it (yes i USE that feature to show people stuff)
i like reading ebooks. with my PSP i can read pdf files on the go- great (not as heavy as a big book).
yes i love the SNES, GBA...great with my PSP i can emulate all those old consoles.
i love playing games against friends. there are a bunch of great multiplayer games for the psp and i play against friends pretty much every day.
there are just way too many reasons why the psp is brilliant and thats why i think its the best.
you might now believe I am a SONY fanboy but I can assure you first I didn't want to get a PSP because I HATE SONY but the PSP is just TOO good so I couldn't resit. if you travel a lot and are always on the go like me it's a no brainer.
@cec¿l: somebody who is able to code "Isometric Engine C++ (Updated Version 6)" should be able to downgrade his PSP. in fact somebody who is able to use MMF should be able to downgrade his PSP. "as for the most part it involves doing stuff that can "brick" your psp. not interested."
not interested translates to "im chicken shit/im too stupid". there is the LITTLE chance of bricking it but that happens if you cant copy and paste files and follow instructions given on the internet. yet IF you brick it you can also unbrick it with Pandora's Battery.
well if you DONT enjoy playing games (NES, SNES, GB, GBC, GBA..) on the go I guess the PSP is NOT a thing for you
about the skype thing. ive only heard it works but since i dont use skype at all i dont see a reason why i should use it on my psp but i know its possible with the latest firmware (also with customfirmware).
if you have a japanese psp skype WONT be supported. japanese people use some different software that is similair to skype- so this is what they use.
Cecil, the new one doesn't either. You need a headset. Don't know if it has to be some special Sony effort (which would be a booo) or if you can use any.
Wrong! Sega put out a portable Genesis called the Nomad in the mid 90's. Battery life sucked, but it featured a 3.5" screen and played the complete Genesis library.