Well a lot has happened since the last update. I've totally revamped the old engine (actually I started a new engine) which is far more stable and better. We now have moving platforms, crumbling platforms, water movement, springs, warp-pads basically the lot. I would like to say, this is done on TGF. And prolly will just be done on TGF (the first version.) Why? Well, because I want to show that TGF is still a powerful creation tool, that still can be used today. (Just now to do parallex =P)
The idea of the game has changed too, it's now going to have ten worlds, with 10 cogs in each world. In the world there are "portals" to other areas or mini-games that contains cogs. However the doors are broken and must be fixed by "screws". Screws are collected when you destroy a bad-guy ect ect. Basically they are the in-game currency.
I've got some pictures to show off, of the new hud, a mini-game and some cut scene.
Hope ye liketh, and thankies for all your comments so far .