Hey Folks,
There are a number of updates to announce:
1. First, and most importantly, the programming of this game will now be in the very capable hands of Assault Andy! This means two things:
The program will have a much better design that it would have had in my noobish hands.
I can focus on creating the graphics and animation - which is the part I really enjoy!
2. We are switching from using a custom engine to using the Platform Movement Object extension. Andy showed me how to take the engine code and boil it all down to roughly 20 lines. Pretty cool!
3. Since I don't have to work on the code, I'm now fast at work on the graphics and animation. I still have a couple of placeholder graphics but have started, in earnest, the process of making everything from scratch. As for these screenshots, the only thing that I didn't do is that quickbackdrop (borrowed from Zeb). I have to be honest, though, and admit that I love that quickbackdrop! Nolan Worthington did a great job when he created it. It's interesting and yet doesn't compete with the foreground.