The Daily Click ::. Projects ::. Jake Bonfire

Project: Jake Bonfire
Project Started: 20th August, 2008 Last Update: 1st September, 2009
Project Owner: Xhunterko Project Members:
Project Type: 2d shooter platformer Project Progress:

Demo on the horizon
Posted 25th Apr 09, by Xhunterko  
Now that this incredibly draggy bandwidth limit is over. I can hopefully get back to updating. What I've been working on though. Is mainly a bunch of misc art and the odd code (which I'll rant about in a second) and some music tracks.

What I want to do is expand the Title screen song a little bit. It's really only about 45 seconds or less maybe. I also have a music track for the Help screen which sounds nicely in transition. Speaking of which. You will not be able to play the game until you have read. After which, you will be told how you can avoid reading it. The real bugger here is the first level music. While the theme, and name, is Factory Level. I wanted the music to merge nicely with the Title Screen music.

That ended up being the new Help screen music sadly. So I started on a slow, western/country reggae style for the first level. I like the way it sounds now. And it's a good length too. I just have to get a third harmony piece in and it should sound good.

But ya, as the title says, I hope to have a first level demo soon. Maybe the first half of May. (I'm giving myself a long leeway here cause of my odd schedule.) I also have added a turret that the player can turn on. It won't harm the player at all. But it will crisp the enemies for them. If they remember to turn it on! Then they'll have to backtrack and see where the switch is. It's not hard to find though. Really. Well, that's all I got. That and a rant. Not much, but it's something.

Rant down below,

RANT read if your bored

You've downloaded a seemingly particular object that has the potential to be useful right? Who hasn't? But I really cannot honestly get this piece of (insert imagination here) to work! It works in the demos. It works in MMf when I load the .mfa files. However, when I plug the object in MY game and try to get it to behave? Heck no! It says sucks to be you and will not work! The one I'm talking about is the Flame object. I have not had so much trouble with this object as I have with others! I can follow the instructions, code, and settings to the letter. And it refuses to obey. Yes, I even had the "Always -> set object on fire" piece in there and it still did not work. Wait, it did, once or twice. With one object. That was invisible. I tried to do the exact same thing with another object. Didn't work. I forgot about it for a while and thought. Hmm, when the player touches a laser death trap, he'll burn up in flames. That would look cool! IF...The stupid object actually obeyed conditions. But it doesn't. So no bursting in flames death trap for me. Maybe I'm doing something wrong here...Oh wait, yes, the flame object is always touching the object to be set on fire. Oh, that doesn't work either? Oh wait, I can't get online for help because of bandwidth issues too! Dang.

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