Just a small note on why the game hasn't been updated for some time.
Don't even think for a second that I'm giving up on the project or putting it on hold, there's been some reasons why I haven't been able to work on the game as much as I'd like but the purpose of this devlog is to clarify everyone who are anxiously waiting for new updates for the game.
Simply put, my free time has been cut short.
I have a band and it's been very time consuming as we are having many shows and we are rehearsing 3 times a week so most of my free time is gone.
Not only that, exams aren't helping and I'm getting increasingly stressed as I must juggle with college and music at the same time which believe me isn't as exciting as it sounds.
I've been skipping classes so that I can rehearse more often, so you can have an idea on how important these incoming shows are.
And as you can imagine that also cause me more new problems.
In short, I'm pretty much fucked.