This is a result of posting on pixelation. I think it's okay for now. But if I don't settle on something, anything soon otherwise this projects never going to get done.
EDIT: I thought of doing some work on some older concepts that I had. I thought of putting them here first before I took them through the hammer at pixellation. Here's a pic of some characters in the game. From left to right, these extras are:
Fuzzon(anthropomorphic) cop, a human cop, a black guy cop, and then a black guy gang member. The cops of course are going to be your allies in a couple places. The black guy in the hoodie is part of the Gang G13. They ally with the terrorists later in the game. I was almost sure that I had posted these here before, but I guess I hadn't. There will be Fuzzon gang members as well. I hope to have the game's first vehicle done soon. Hopefully staying in it's limits.