The Daily Click ::. Projects ::. Ninja Party Panic!!

Project: Ninja Party Panic!!
Project Started: 4th May, 2009 Last Update: 17th July, 2009
Project Owner: Petter Project Members:
Project Type: Platform game Project Progress:

More changes!
Posted 10th Jul 09, by Petter  
So there was this comment on another forum I posted the feedback demo on that really got me thinking. I remember back when I decided to include the RPG system one of my thoughts was that it would make people take the time to kill most of the enemies they encountered instead of just running past them. This held true of course, but some of the point this guy was making brought up the fact that the character feels kind of weak for a Ninja and that the enemies feel more like annoyances that are in the way rather than fun obstacles for the player to tackle. This will ruin the flow of what is supposed to be a fast paced action platformer, especially in the long haul, and I have been (and am still) thinking of ways to eliminate this problem. The first I have decided to do is to make it so that the game won't measure your attack power. This will make how many strikes an enemy needs to be killed constant throughout the whole game which makes it much easier to pace the experience. It will also remove a great deal of possible balancing issues that might occur if for example someone arrived at boss with too low attack power. Making the player have to go back and GRIND in a friggin' platform game is kind of a bad idea

So yeah, no more attack power statistics for this game! Easier-to-kill enemies all around! To balance this out the health bar will be made more accurate to read. More like, say, the hearts from any Zelda game. This will show you exactly how many hits you can take before dying, and it will have a more visible effect when upgraded (the game still has RPG-elements )

There are a couple of more things I'm thinking about doing to ensure a steady flow and a more fun experience, but it all needs some trying out before I go blabbering about it More on those changes when I actually decide to include them

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