For the last 6 or 7 months I've been to the doctor, physiotherapy, chiropractor, osteopath (I don't even know what that is) and injected cortisone into my wrist. In addition I've been ... *ugh* exercising. All in an attempt to heal my tendinitis.
I am trying one last thing this summer; Not touching my computer for an entire month, while exercising 3 times a week (OMG).
If this doesn't work, a cocktail of pain releasing and muscle relaxing pills will be one of my daily meals. Recommended by my good doctor James.
Anyway, this all means I won't be working on roboto for a month. Don't be sad, I made you an awesome desktop image while you wait.
Haha yea that doesn't help! Me, Pineapple, Andy and Phizzy ran through a campaign to get the dual pistol achievement. My fingers were broke by the end of that