The Daily Click ::. Projects ::. FableQuest Origin of the Phoenix Knight

Project: FableQuest: Origin of the Phoenix Knight
Project Started: 30th July, 2009 Last Update: 25th September, 2011
Project Owner: Strife Project Members:
Project Type: Action Adventure RPG Project Progress:

MMF2 Conversion
Posted 24th Dec 09, by Strife  
Okay... so I finally got my package yesterday with a shiny new copy of Multimedia Fusion 2. I've been playing around with its features for some of my other games, and I'm definitely very impressed with all the improvements over 1.5.

As I feared, though, FableQuest won't load into it until I've removed the sound extensions that I'm currently using - namely, the DirectSound 2 object and the DMC2 object. This can only be done one way - by going through the entire code from start to finish, and replacing all of the sound actions that appear. It's simple enough in theory, but what makes it a daunting task is that I have a LOT of instances in the code where I play a sound effect with these extensions, and I never bothered to use functions for it in the first place. ;

So basically, I'll need to spend the next few weeks shuffling through the code and replacing all of the sound actions. The intro dungeon alone has over 100 such actions, and that's not counting events that are attached to monsters and objects. I just gotta chip away at each map little by little until it's finally done. ^^;;

In the end, I think it'll be well worth the effort, for the following reasons:

- Greater support for compiled sound effects. No longer will I have to store sounds and music outside of the game in seperate folders.
- I'm not sure yet, but if I'm reading the features correctly, I think I can compile other types of files in the EXE as well. This being the case, then I won't need any external files whatsoever outside of DLL's.
- With the addition of (true) layers, the menu bar will ALWAYS stay on top of everything else, as will damage numbers and dialog text. No more flickering graphic glitches. :3
- Hardware acceleration (HWA). Hopefully, this will make it run as smooth as butter on Macs and other operating systems besides Windows. This also means that I can start using transparency effects to their fullest extent without worrying about major slowdown.

But first, I gotta rewrite the code. ; Brb.

Posted by UrbanMonk 24th December, 2009

I sure hope you don't encounter any bugs along the way.

Make sure you backup everything in at least 10 different locations before you start!
Posted by OMC 24th December, 2009

So everything runs smoothly? Nice!

You won't even need DLLs. MMF2 puts everything in the EXE and extracts what it needs to a temporary folder. Very tidy-like.

Also, HWA doesn't automatically work on Macs. Bibin got it to work with Wine and a lot of tweaking, but it's not something that means "BOOM, more OSes supported."
Posted by Shiru 24th December, 2009

Nice ! Are you going to release a demo?
Posted by Strife 24th December, 2009

UrbanMonk - Oh, you betcha. I backed up the game before I saved it as an MFA file, and I am promptly backing it up a few more times on a regular basis.

OMC - Ooh, that's handy to know. As for compatibility with Mac, I was actually thinking along the lines of running smoothly with Virtual PC. Two of my most dedicated beta testers have Macs, and the game runs fine with a Windows emulator despite the huge amount of slowdown. Sooo, i'm hoping that HWA might speed things up a little for them.

Shiru - Once I finish the third dungeon, yeah (not counting the intro dungeon, in which case there will be four). Right now, I need to finishing making the landscape that lies between the second town and the entrance to said dungeon.
Comment edited by Spaceman Strife on 12/24/2009
Posted by Shiru 24th December, 2009

Ok thanks for the answer. Good luck with this 4th dungeon.
Posted by Del Duio 25th December, 2009

Just posted on the boards about something similar but to repeat myself the answer is a big YES it's worth it to go back and change everything that doesn't work with your game anymore. I did the same thing and was very pissed that so many things didn't work when I converted to MMF2 but in the end it was well worth it.

Glad to see you've discovered the layers and are putting your HUD and damage numbers & stuff in separate ones from your gameplay area. This is a Godsend in my experience.
Comment edited by Del Duio on 12/25/2009
Posted by Strife 26th December, 2009

Oh, you bet it is! No longer will I have to fondle with the Layer object and make sure that all of the interface-related objects are always on front.


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