The lack of customizable controls in FableQuest has always concerned me. Afterall, not everyone likes to stick to the exact same key setup, and control schemes are a common criticism with games like this.
That being said, MMF2's Control X object is waaaay better than the MMF 1.5 version, and it has exactly the right features I'm looking for. After hours of head-scratching and chicken nugget consumption, I've finally added customizable controls into the game. You'll be able to change the controls via the Options menu.
The control scheme is attached directly to your save file, meaning that if you have a brother/sister/friend with a different file, they'll get to keep their controls. Also, because of the Control X object's ability to grab the names of specific keys, I can also have NPC dialog change dynamically according to your keyboard setup. Might take a while to go through it all, but it'll be worth it, methinks.